Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Things are not looking good.

Life in Lake Saint Peter is getting depressing. I have never seen fog last so long here. It's been three days of fog, mild weather and rain. If it's not dirty snow you're walking on, it's mud or ice.

I'm glad I have friends with neat toys. Thanks Doug for sanding the lot on your way home from work yesterday. Of course that means there will be no more skating out front.

The temperature is to start dropping Wedensday. If this brings snow I'll update right away. We always get rained out one weekend in January. I hope that this is it and we can get back on track.

On the bright side I finally had bar fixed so that when you sit at it your knees don't hit it and you are not so far away from your drink! Again nice to have friends with neat toys and talent.

I will keep you posted as soon as the weather turns around. But for now, I'll just pout.


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