Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I was scolded a number of time this weekend for my lack of updates.  I will accept my scolding's with grace but it has been a little to busy with sledders, bless your little hearts. 

And there hasn't been a lot to say.  Grooming continues every day and the trails are in excellent shape gets a little old after a while.  It's wonderful to report that every time but the ADD side of me needs a good snow storm or some exciting news something to keep me motivated.

When six o'clock rolls around after a busy lunch rush followed by doing the rest of the day by myself I have to make a tough decision.  Do I stay and update the blog or do I go home get into the comfy pants, pour a glass of wine and make dinner or do I stay at the diner and update nothing new in the neighbourhood.  Hmm guess you know what happens next. 

Well it did snow today and the groomers did go out because my cook Stu left at noon to learn how to drive the groomer.  They went to Papineau. Now it is past six and I am still here feeling guilty after being scolded this weekend.

It is also a holiday in the US and it's nice to see so many Americans travelling this way to sled.

So good weather, good trails, longer days,  good times = head up this way and ride.

That's it for now.  Back later in the week.  Holy crap it will be later in the week tomorrow.  Where is February going.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is it when someone sends an e-mail asking another person in the area for an update i.e. is everything okay (no request for a trail update I might add), they're called a dumb ass and when several people personally scold you for the lack of updates you take your lumps?


Dumb Ass