Friday, December 21, 2012


Even though we have been snow covered for quite some time it was a welcome sight to get the dumping of snow that we got overnight.  This will be the first time in a couple of years that I will have to have the lot plowed twice in one day.  But today is the day.

Both Mink Lake and  Lake St. Peter are frozen over.  Now I wouldn't be ice fishing just yet but if it continues to stay this cold it won't be long.

The sledders in today said that the trails were great but then they were the first ones on them.  If the snow keeps up like this they will be grooming before we know it.

Not much new or exciting in LSP.  Same on stuff just covered in snow now.  Town is as busy as an August weekend today.  It seems that Christmas sneaks up and surprises everyone not just me.

On a sad note the big white duck (Sherman) that lived in the pond next to the diner is no longer with us.  It seems that a fox or martin slipped in and snatched him up.  Poor Sherman.  I'm sure that most of you were just like me and you looked for him every time you drove or walked by the pond.  He was always there sitting on the log or the dock.  He was kept very busy this summer trying to protect his food from the geese that would visit the pond.  They were always trying to snitch some of it. 

The diner will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but open Boxing Day from noon til 7:00 pm.

Have a Very Merry Christmas.  Safe travels and lots of fun.  Hope we see you over the holidays.

I'll be back next week, sooner if they start grooming.



Anonymous said...

how much snow is currently on the ground?

Terry said...

Hi Nancy
Thanks for the update. We hope that you & your family have a Merry Christmas.
From London(aka. Mink Lake)