Friday, February 22, 2013

Sorry I didn't  update Thursday.  But the day got away on me and it was snooker time before I knew it.  The weather has been great this week.  Sunny mild, snow here and there.  I had the driveway plowed once this week.

Riders in this week are all saying the trails are in great shape.  Two groups commented on how good it was from Whitney down to the Haliburton turn which often isn't so good.

The groomers have been out every day so far this week. 

The groups have been smaller this week and the trails are not as busy.  Most riders say that they have only met one or two other groups all day.

Well that is about it. Nothing earth shatering. I'm off to town for the weekly beer, liquor and food run so I'd better dash.

Hope you can make it up this weekend.


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