Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This may be the last day of winter but it seems like there is still sledding to be done.

We have had riders in every day.  On guy rode up from Eels Lake and back.

The groomers are still going out.  I saw one pass yesterday and they were going to Whitney and Bancroft.  It would seem that after this weekend they will only be keeping the rail bed groomed.

With less traffic now that should be good enough after all tomorrow is the first day of spring.

We are to get more snow today (she says with a sigh of disgust).  Yes even I am getting tired of the snow.  So with most of the trails groomed and a touch of fresh snow the weekend should still be a great time to get that last ride in. 

The riders that were in this morning for breakfast said that the trails were perfect.  I think they were on their way to Combermere and parts unknown after that.

It has been a week since my crash and no word on my car yet.  Body shop guy said the damage was above his pay grade to decide so I will hurry up and wait another week is guess.

I will be back Thursday or Friday morning to report on any new snow.  Hope you can get up this way on the weekend.


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