Friday, February 01, 2008

The weather man was right for a change.

I guess there is not point in saying that it is snowing. Every weather person in the country is telling you that.

Finally it's Friday and there are sledders back. All in today say that the trails are good. We have had riders in from Wilberforce, Coe Hill and Whitney so far.

Poor Earl from Port Perry, (not to be confused with Harry from Port Perry) spent most of Friday with us waiting for his friends to make their way back to Wilberforce and return with a truck to pick him and his brand new (30 miles) sled up and take it in for repairs. Hope the news was not bad Earl. That is not a very good way to increase beer sales but bless your hears anyway!!

Other than the groomers will be out tonight and the snow is still falling there is not much to report.

Hope the road conditions don't keep you all down south this weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pool Earl from Port here sitting Wilberforce wish I was sledding back to Lake St. Peter. Well there is always next weekend!
