Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another Thursday has come and gone.

I can't believe that it's Thursday already. The weeks are flying by for this sledding season.

All reports in the last few days have been good. The trails are in good shape. the odd rough spot here and there. But nothing drastic.

All of the groomers have been out over the last couple of days. Whitney and Baptiste Lake were done on Wednesday. Madawaska and Bancroft are being done as I type.

There hasn't been much traffic this week and the temperature is cold so the grooming is holding up nicely. The groomer left for Whitney about 4:00 pm on Wednesday and by 10:00 am Thursday there still wasn't a track on the trail.

It's trying to snow now but who knows. If the sky falls overnight I will update in the morning.

Here's hoping that you can make the trip up this weekend.


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