Monday, January 14, 2008

Things are back to normal now.

Hydro One as a corporation pretty much sucks, but kudos to all the guys in the white trucks and cute orange coveralls. You did a great job getting things back up and running as quickly as you could. You had a few long days here and judging by the number of trucks passing by every day you are still cleaning up. Thanks a lot.

Now on to the good news. The temperature dropped a day or two ago and everything has frozen up again. It started to snow last night and today. Just a couple of inches so far. It's that really fine snow that takes a long time to amount to anything but when it does it sticks around. If this keeps up we will be back in the snowmobile business this weekend.

There are probably a lot of trees down over the trails after the storm. As the groomer has not been able to go out yet I haven't heard anything specific.

I will update again tomorrow if I hear anything worthwhile. If not by Wednesday or Thursday for sure.

It's pretty quite around here without you guys and the sleds so I hope Mother Nature smartens up!!

See you soon.

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