Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The warmer days are nice to see but there is still lots of winter left apparently. 

The head groomer guy was around on Sunday talking to sledders about trail conditions.  All reports were good so he said that they would not groom on Sunday night as the snow was soft.  He wanted to let it set a bit.  Well it snowed Sunday night and a little again on Monday.  Temps are mild but still below zero.

The colder weather and snow blast coming today will get the groomers back out again.

Riders in yesterday all had positive things to say about the trail conditions. 

At this rate you will still be sledding on the May long weekend.  Oh!! perish the thought.

Four accidents in seven days was way too many.  That was last weeks count.  So keep to the right, don't drive so stinking fast (you're not that good a driver), look BOTH ways when you are crossing the highway and for the love of god keep an eye out for the groomer.  It's the big blue or red thing going about five kms per hour down the trail.  It's the reason that you can ride like an idiot!!!!!

There will be more families and kids driving this week and weekend so don't be a bonehead.  Think how you would feel it was your family coming toward you (and I don't mean your mother-in-law).

That's it for now.  Back later after mother nature has dropped a crap load of snow on Toronto and the surrounding area.  He he he.


1 comment:

Peter from Oshawa said...

Never made it into the Diner on the weekend, but rode around the area ......Bancroft - Whitney - Haliburton loop, and the trails are about the best I've seen in YEARS!! I can definitely see riding into April at least, if temps stay about where they are.

Thanks for the continued posts, humour and updates, Nancy! :)