Saturday, March 29, 2014

We just had two sledders that rode in from Eagle Lake.  They said that the trails are still really great.  Not icy at all which was what a lot of people were worried about. They were quite thrilled with the conditions.

We had 3-4 inches of snow on Thursday and some drizzly rain on Friday.  Not enough rain to ruin things.

So the outlook is still good for the rest of the weekend.  It is still cold, below zero, and not sunny so nothing is melting today.

Hope you can get out for another rip.  In checking my notes for last year they were still riding this weekend in 2013.  So winter really isn't hanging on any longer.  Just more snow.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

They are still grooming, it's still snowing, they are still sledding and it's stinking cold every morning. 

The sun sure is nice to see though.  Lots of riders in yesterday.  Keep 'em coming.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wowsers!!! What a weekend.  It was as busy as any February weekend and the trails are telling the tale today.

The good news is all four groomers will be out today.  They did to Whitney last night and are going to Bancroft, Papineau and Martins Mill tonight after it gets colder. 

What a treat if you were able to take the day off and ride tomorrow.  It would be awesome.

Cheers to the two dedicated sledders that were in today.  They decided at 10.30 Saturday to go riding. Loaded up and drove from Pennsylvania to Coe Hill.  Rode yesterday and today and headed home this afternoon.  Now that's love of the sport. 

Well no rants or touching stories just trail conditions.  I hope some of you are able to get out for another ride.


Friday, March 21, 2014

It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood.  Cool, sunny, snowy and lots of sledders.

I am shocked at how busy it is right now.  Usually Fridays have been a little slow this winter but man the place is packed!!!

Good conditions are being reported.  Some are saying that it is a little bumpy, but how often do you get great conditions at the end of March.

In 2012 on this day the temperature was 24 degrees.  I'm thinking there was no sledding that year.

So if you haven't put your ride away and you still have gas money left come on up for a ride this weekend.  We will be here.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This may be the last day of winter but it seems like there is still sledding to be done.

We have had riders in every day.  On guy rode up from Eels Lake and back.

The groomers are still going out.  I saw one pass yesterday and they were going to Whitney and Bancroft.  It would seem that after this weekend they will only be keeping the rail bed groomed.

With less traffic now that should be good enough after all tomorrow is the first day of spring.

We are to get more snow today (she says with a sigh of disgust).  Yes even I am getting tired of the snow.  So with most of the trails groomed and a touch of fresh snow the weekend should still be a great time to get that last ride in. 

The riders that were in this morning for breakfast said that the trails were perfect.  I think they were on their way to Combermere and parts unknown after that.

It has been a week since my crash and no word on my car yet.  Body shop guy said the damage was above his pay grade to decide so I will hurry up and wait another week is guess.

I will be back Thursday or Friday morning to report on any new snow.  Hope you can get up this way on the weekend.


Friday, March 14, 2014

The end of the march break already.  I can hear the parents sighing from here.

I spoke to Herb Hammond and he told me that all trails were groomed either yesterday or day.   The only exception would be the Mink Lake trail.  Riders in today are saying the conditions are mint.  The road crossing are looking a little ugly but not much you can do about that. 

So if you are able to get up for a ride this weekend will be great.  And it looks like there will be a few more weeks after that.

I will keep in touch with the groomers over the next few weeks.

Now I haven't had a sad and touching story all winter and now I finally have one, so here goes.  Stop reading now if I'm not going to get any sympathy.

My daughter, granddaughter and I headed out on Wednesday afternoon to the wilds of Bomanville for a stop over before going to see Disney on Ice on Thursday.  WELL we had to get off 115, it was closed due to a 20 car pile up.  So we headed for the side roads trying to make our way to Taunton Rd..  After a half hour delay (some people just don't know how to drive) we made it to Taunton only to get caught in a whiteout and get creamed in an accident.  We are all well, no one was hurt in our car, not the same for others but my new car is not looking very pretty just now.

To add to the adventure we headed into Toronto.  At 10:30 what should have been a 30 minute drive turned into a 1 1/2 hour drive.  We eventually made it to the Scarborough Town Centre and then another 20 minutes to find the entrance to the LRT.  That was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Very frustrating. Our trip from Union Station (something I have done many times) to the Rogers Centre was another comedy of errors.  I had to ask direction 3 times before we arrived at the Rogers Centre 1/2 hour late and freezing.  I have never felt more like a tourist in my life in a city that I was raised in.  If there was a wrong turn, a wrong door or the wrong direction to take we found them all.  Oh my what a day.  My last bone head play was when we got on the subway and headed in the wrong direction.  At that point my daughter fell into hysterical laughter which made me laugh and the poor three year old had no clue what was so funny.  Well after a very long day we finally made our way home in the rental car about 9:00. Thank goodness. 

My daughter feels that we have had so many uneventful trips to the city that we were due having one where nothing went right.

Here's hoping that you are able to make it up this was for another ride or two.  We will be here!!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The warmer days are nice to see but there is still lots of winter left apparently. 

The head groomer guy was around on Sunday talking to sledders about trail conditions.  All reports were good so he said that they would not groom on Sunday night as the snow was soft.  He wanted to let it set a bit.  Well it snowed Sunday night and a little again on Monday.  Temps are mild but still below zero.

The colder weather and snow blast coming today will get the groomers back out again.

Riders in yesterday all had positive things to say about the trail conditions. 

At this rate you will still be sledding on the May long weekend.  Oh!! perish the thought.

Four accidents in seven days was way too many.  That was last weeks count.  So keep to the right, don't drive so stinking fast (you're not that good a driver), look BOTH ways when you are crossing the highway and for the love of god keep an eye out for the groomer.  It's the big blue or red thing going about five kms per hour down the trail.  It's the reason that you can ride like an idiot!!!!!

There will be more families and kids driving this week and weekend so don't be a bonehead.  Think how you would feel it was your family coming toward you (and I don't mean your mother-in-law).

That's it for now.  Back later after mother nature has dropped a crap load of snow on Toronto and the surrounding area.  He he he.


Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Holy "Marching along".  It's hard to believe that is almost March break.  We will have black flies instead of snow flies before we know it.

However for now we still have good conditions, good weather, great trails, longer days and lots of sledders about.

The groomers are still going out every day.  Riders in are all saying that the trails are mint.

We have had a little bit of snow a few times this week.  Not lots just enough to keep it fresh.  The road crossing are getting ugly again but the sand trucks have been out a lot this week.

I'm hoping to see some of the cottagers back this weekend.  It's a great time to be up here.

Lots of good sledding left to do.

The Linkies General Store had planned radar runs for this weekend but sadly had to cancel.  That dreaded "liability" word reared its ugly head again.  Too bad you can't have fun without someone suing you when they act like a idiot.

Back later in the week.  After last weeks accidents, please slow down and keep to you own side of the trail. 


Saturday, March 01, 2014

At last it's up to a balmy -11.  T-shirt weather after this winter.  The warmer temperature also means snow, and yes it is snowing.

It started during the night.  I let the dog out and nearly had to shovel him off when I let him in.  It looks like it is going to snow for a while.

The trails are still in great shape and the road crossings are looking good.  The groomers are out every day.

Nothing more exciting than that.  So continue with your weekend unless you are heading up this way for a great day of riding.

Back next week.