Saturday, March 30, 2013

Here I go lying again. I said that I would be back on Thursday and here it is Saturday all ready. 

The restaurant hasn't been that busy but I have been and I don't know what I have accomplished yet.

The rail bed is under about a foot of water in most places but believe it or not there are still sledders out there.  There is a group meeting at the Ripples on Baptiste today for some late season fun.

The sun is beautiful and the days are great.  Some of the snow is melting away but not all.  We went out to visit a neighbour on the ATV last night and had a little trouble getting through the snow in the front yard but got stuck in the same tracks when we got home.  Oh well at least you know no one will steal the bike when it is stuck in the snow.  That's a job for later today.  My ATV is still safely tucked away in it's shed with three feet of snow piled up in front of the door, so it may be a long time before it gets out.

At great personal risk to myself I have decided to do a black fly report early this year.  I will be digging a couple of lawn chairs out of the garage and  I can be found on the back deck with a glass of wine this afternoon to see how long it takes before the black flies send me in the house.  I am inviting a friend over for moral support because you can't risk some of these challenges alone.  I will report back.

Oh by the way Hi Dave!!!

It's nice to see some of the summer people brave the snow and trek into the cottage.  That is as sure a sign of spring as the first robin.

That's it for now.

Back later.Cheers

1 comment:

Bill said...

It's April 14th and snowing every day are the trails open yet