Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wow baby the season has definitely started.  The sledders are back big time.  It is nice to see some of the old familiar faces back (the young ones too) both locals and cottagers.  There are people from Bancroft that I only see during sledding season.

It funny how you can recognize some people as soon as they pull in by the sled and suit etc. and others you just have to wait that 20 minutes until they get in and unbundled.

No specifics on where grooming has taken place just that it has.  They rail bed was rough by yesterday but I saw the groomer go by about 5:00 last evening.  It didn't matter where he went the path to LSP will be better.

No word from anyone on the trail through the park to Haliburton.  Most people are just assuming that it hasn't been done.  The bottom line is no one is complaining (shocking) about trail conditions, things are in good shape for early in the season.  The groomers are doing their best.  Watch for rocks.

Man the full moon this week was awesome.  To quote Mrs Card, "You could read the paper on your front porch last night."  She was right.  It looked like daylight at three in the morning with the snow reflecting off the trees in the moonlight.  It was just beautiful. 

Sorry no snow measurements today as not enough has fallen.  We are expecting more today and tomorrow so I will drag out the old yard stick then.  Keep in mind that women have been duped about what three inches really is for decades!!!!

There, duty done-trail report--check
                             touching story--check
                              snow measure--check
My work here is done.

Back soon.
Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Happy New Year Nancy!! Our family looks forward to coming to your eatery for good food and gossip in 2013 :)
Mink Lake crew