Friday, July 13, 2012

It's been so long since my last post I'd be surprised if anyone is even following any more.  Oh well here goes anyway. 

The heat continues with no rain for such a long time.  I can't walk across the backyard in bare feet because the grass is so prickly.  It's like walking on a bed of nails.  A total fire ban came into effect this week just one day after a guy on Graphite Rd went home after the weekend and his bonfire restarted up and burned up 35-40 acres of bush.  Mostly his I think. It's amazing how naive or just stupid people are when it comes to fires.  The MNR had been flying over looking for fires and spotted it and put the call in.

I have noticed this year that there is an unusually large number of geese staying around.  There were never geese that stayed here before.  There is a group of 30-35.  That means 60 next year and 130 the year after that.  The beaches will start looking like Marie Curtis Park and all the others on the shores of Lake Ontario.  Cottagers will be ankle deep in goose poop soon.  Many have already roped off their shorelines to try to keep them off the lawns. What is the answer to this (other than don't feed them like the guy next door to me).
I can hear the tree huggers gasping already at the thoughts of what might happen.  Oh did  I say that in my outside voice?

The summer is starting to shape up nicely.  Lots of summer people are back.  If I had a nickle for every travel trailer that drove by the place in a day I wouldn't have to charge for food.  Algonquin Park must be really busy. 

We were really lucky with the black flies this year.  They weren't bad at all.  Now the deer flies that's a different story.  I was ATVing a week or so ago and if you stopped man were they friendly.  I seems they can even fly about 25-30 mph because it's hard to shake them.  I took the dog for a walk last night and it was the first time walking that they were not bothering me.  So maybe they will be gone shortly also.

If you are up for a week or so the concerts in Millennium Park are really good this year.  Every Wednesday at 7:00.  Also the music has started again at the diner.  We have the Cullens back now that Rick and Kevin are both living in the area.  They are quite good and bring back memories of the old Tavern days.6:30-9:30 on Saturday nights.

 The farmers market in Maynooth is still doing well but  Sherry that owned Sherries For Service has reopened a little market with baked goods and other stuff. So drop in when you are in Maynooth  I think is is just Saturdays also.

I can't think of anything else.  Everything that I would have said seems like such old news now.  Most of which I can't even remember now.

I will try to be back sooner the next time so come up to the cottage and do something that I can share with the class. 

Have a great weekend.

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