Friday, March 23, 2012

What a wonderful week we are having. I can't believe that two Saturdays ago we had sledders in all geared up and this week we have people in wearing shorts, tees and flip flops. Incredible!!!

I have started my research on the deck. I have good news and bad news. There are no black flies yet but I was bitten by a mosquito twice this week while sitting outside. The little beggers are everywhere, even in the middle of the day. And the house flies are coming out in herds both inside and out. At least they don't bite and are easy to swat.

I made and interesting discoverer this week. When I was at the sugar bush last weekend I was told that drinking maple sap was good for what ails you (if you know what I mean). So Kelly brought me up a jar this week to try. Well it has quite a nice mild taste to it. Knowing that I have a one track mind I thought if you added a shot of vodka to this it would be even better. Aha!! Kelly and I have now invented the Maple Martini. Two parts maple sap, one part vodka (or to taste), and a drop of maple syrup. Serve over ice or shake with crushed. It was delicious. That was when I got stung by the first mosquito. See what I go through for you people. The danger never ends.

It will be great to see the cottagers starting to come up soon. The ice on the lake is so black it should be out by next week. According to Charlie Foster who keeps records on this stuff, this will be the earliest its been out in many, many years. April 4 is the record so far. I will keep you updated. The driveways are drying up nicely and the tulips and daffodils are coming up. Yea!!

That's it for now. Hope we see you soon. It has been pretty quiet this week.


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