Monday, February 24, 2014

What a beautiful day today.  Yes it was a little cold but the sun makes everything look so much better.

The two blue groomers were out first thing this morning.  One went north and one went south. It is a beautiful sight to see big blue pull across the road and into the parking lot to smooth out the path from the trail to the diner.  About 4:00 the red one when out on its evening journey. 

It wasn't really busy today but all the riders in today said that the trails are in excellent shape. 

The cold temperatures and small skiff of snow are keeping things in good shape.  The road crossings are looking much better now.

I have a small rant today.  I know some of you are VERY important and contact with the outside world  through social networking is imperative, as is checking the weather even though you just came in from outside.  However is it too much to ask that you look at the menu BEFORE you check your facebook and email accounts.  I give you five or ten minutes arrive at the table to take your order and I get "O, I haven't even looked at the menu yet."  No kidding bucko, you've had your head glued to your phone.  Half the table is ready but Ren and Stimpy are still seeing how important they are.  Then when I get busy you get pissy  because I'm not at your beck and call!!! Then you want your bill NOW and I'm waiting for someone else to finish texting and on and on it goes.  Well now, that feels better.

Here's hoping that you and your phone can get up here for some mid week riding and enjoy these great conditions.

Back later in the week. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Life is good in LSP. The sun is shining, it's snowing and Canada just won the gold in hockey.

I'm guessing between hockey and nascar it will be pretty quiet around here today.

The good news is we didn't get much rain and we got snow right after. Riders in this morning said that the trails are in great shape and the groomers have been out both days.

If you are planning to do any early week riding this would bee a good week for it.

Hope to see you soon. Happy trails.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Things are not looking good today in Lake St. Peter.  We had a little bit of snow last night then some freezing rain, now just a little rain.  It is still fairly cold so I don't think there will be too much melting.

We really do need about 6 to 8 inches of fresh snow to make things perfect again.  There have been lots of riders in this week all saying that things are fine but we will have to wait for the end of the day to see what this does to the trails.  The road crossings were getting pretty ugly.

I'm told by the old boys weather club that a little snow is coming today.  It's a wait and see.

I'm off to the bright lights of Oshawa (after a brief stop in Peterborough) today to the Blue Rodeo concert.  I won't make it home til at least one o'clock.  Saturday may be a challenge for me as I am rarely up past 10.  But if the weather gets better I will update tomorrow.

I will offer an apology to dumb ass.  Yes I should have taken your scolding via e-mail as well as I do in person.  So for that I am sorry.  Having said that a number of people have claimed to be the dumb ass.  It has been a little amusing so thank you for that.

Well I'm off to get a few things done before I head out.

I don't think the weekend is a right off, it just may not be one of the best.

Back soon

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I was scolded a number of time this weekend for my lack of updates.  I will accept my scolding's with grace but it has been a little to busy with sledders, bless your little hearts. 

And there hasn't been a lot to say.  Grooming continues every day and the trails are in excellent shape gets a little old after a while.  It's wonderful to report that every time but the ADD side of me needs a good snow storm or some exciting news something to keep me motivated.

When six o'clock rolls around after a busy lunch rush followed by doing the rest of the day by myself I have to make a tough decision.  Do I stay and update the blog or do I go home get into the comfy pants, pour a glass of wine and make dinner or do I stay at the diner and update nothing new in the neighbourhood.  Hmm guess you know what happens next. 

Well it did snow today and the groomers did go out because my cook Stu left at noon to learn how to drive the groomer.  They went to Papineau. Now it is past six and I am still here feeling guilty after being scolded this weekend.

It is also a holiday in the US and it's nice to see so many Americans travelling this way to sled.

So good weather, good trails, longer days,  good times = head up this way and ride.

That's it for now.  Back later in the week.  Holy crap it will be later in the week tomorrow.  Where is February going.

Happy Trails

Friday, February 07, 2014

Well I stand corrected.  When in my rant last week I stated that when you get 12 inches of snow from Oshawa to Oakville you can assume we would get a flake or two up here.  Oh brother was I wrong.  We did not get a flake of snow last week when it hit the fan down south.  It's a good thing we have a ton of snow already.  It has been trying to snow since last night and is still  falling now.  We just seem to get our snow in sensible amounts.

I watched the groomer go by this morning at 7:00.  Riders in yesterday said that all the trails that they were on were in great condition.  With the Snow Skimmers poker run this weekend you can be sure that everything will be at it's best.

We had the most awesome group of sledders in this week.  When they arrived here on Tuesday night it was day 10 of their ride.  They were from Quebec and had been touring Ontario staying in small towns and villages along the way.  What a great group.  Lots of fun.  They had covered about 3,000 km of trails so far and still had two days of riding left before they reached home.  What a great way to spend a couple of weeks.  And after 10 days they were all still speaking!!!  My hat's off to that group.

I know that next weekend is the long weekend but I hope some can make it up this weekend to support the MLSS and the dedicated group of volunteers that make the club great by taking part in the annual Poker Run.  The $10.00 entry is a bargain for a great day and lots of prizes.

Here's hoping that we see you this weekend.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

At last a few minutes to post because I have a rant and I haven't had a good rant in a long while.

To the dum-ass sledder who called Dianne Hammond of the Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers to either point out or complain that the Porerville blog had not been updated in a week.

Please note that the Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers are in no way responsible for the activity at the Porterville Diner or the blog.  I am quite sure that Dianne is busy enough at this time of year with real concerns without being hounded about what I do.

This has been the best sledding year in Ontario for a long time.  So it should go without saying that when 8 inches of snow falls from Oshawa to Oakville a few flakes may have fallen here too.  There is probably not very much of the Province that is not snow covered, so again you could assume that we also have a goodly amount of snow here.  Is it really that important to know which trails were groomed yesterday when all the trails are in excellent shape. 

Well pardon me for getting sick and spoiling your whole week.  Let's hope that was your biggest crisis last week.  FYI you must realize that the weather is broadcast on the TV and radio every 10  minutes 24/7 so you are never out of touch!!

Whew glad I got that off my chest.  I'm feeling better already. 

Riders in today from everywhere said that the trails are great.  The weather the last two day has been perfect and the riding is amazing.  We are starting to see the larger groups and overnighters that February brings.

It is even nice to see that it is light by seven and not dark til almost 6.  Longer riding days. 

Well that's it for now. I'm told a big storm is coming again.  I hope it doesn't hit down south again.

Back later in the week.

Monday, February 03, 2014

For those of you who think I may have fallen off the face of the earth, I have not.  I had a cold and was all hopped up on over the counter cold remedies.  I'm fairly certain I went to work all week but I can't be sure.  I was advised not to operate anything mechanical.  This included my computer because you would have needed a translator for sure.

So I'm back (sort of).  Barry the groomer driver was in this morning he left for Bancroft at 2 am and made it back to LSP by 9:00 am.  He had a quick sandwich and then left for Whitney which takes 6 hours.  That is dedication for a volunteer.  Way to go Barry. The other driver that was to take over had a family emergency and was unable to go.

He said that all the trails are great.  There have been no complaints from any riders in so far and  with all the snow I'm sure there won't be any soon.  It snowed about 6 inches on Saturday night and is snowing again now.

I'm cutting this short this morning. I have an appointment in town but just wanted to get you up to speed.

Looking forward to a great week of sledding for sure.

Back later in the week.
