Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wow baby the season has definitely started.  The sledders are back big time.  It is nice to see some of the old familiar faces back (the young ones too) both locals and cottagers.  There are people from Bancroft that I only see during sledding season.

It funny how you can recognize some people as soon as they pull in by the sled and suit etc. and others you just have to wait that 20 minutes until they get in and unbundled.

No specifics on where grooming has taken place just that it has.  They rail bed was rough by yesterday but I saw the groomer go by about 5:00 last evening.  It didn't matter where he went the path to LSP will be better.

No word from anyone on the trail through the park to Haliburton.  Most people are just assuming that it hasn't been done.  The bottom line is no one is complaining (shocking) about trail conditions, things are in good shape for early in the season.  The groomers are doing their best.  Watch for rocks.

Man the full moon this week was awesome.  To quote Mrs Card, "You could read the paper on your front porch last night."  She was right.  It looked like daylight at three in the morning with the snow reflecting off the trees in the moonlight.  It was just beautiful. 

Sorry no snow measurements today as not enough has fallen.  We are expecting more today and tomorrow so I will drag out the old yard stick then.  Keep in mind that women have been duped about what three inches really is for decades!!!!

There, duty done-trail report--check
                             touching story--check
                              snow measure--check
My work here is done.

Back soon.
Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Okay two updates in one day.  I have to respond to the two comments that were put up on the previous blog.

To anonymous-When you ask me how many inches of snow is here what would you like me to do.  Trot outside with my yard stick and measure. When eight inches of snow fall today it settles into four inches of snow tomorrow.  I write descriptively not specifically.  When I say if you haven't had your cottage driveway plowed you will be walking in picture  in your mind how much snow that would be!!!  If you are a sledder and they are grooming realize that that is enough snow to go sledding.  I could measure the 1 to 3 foot snow banks (depending on where they plowed or the 1 inch left in the driveway.  I am slopping through the side yard to measure.  If you want specifics call Frankie whats his name from BT and ask how many inches have fallen.

To the guy that wants pictures you have not read previous blogs where I talk about being technically challenged.  It is all that I can to to sync my iPhone and iPad.  I do take pics and if I figure out how to load them I don't know how to get them back later.  I never figure out what a jpg1234566789 is.

I will try for pics because it does look beautiful and if you are not able to come  up it would be nice to see.

So people keep in mind that I am a dotty owner with a sharp tongue and no patience.  I do not run the LSP weather station.  I will do my best to keep you informed.  Keep the comments coming though they do amuse me.

Thank you for letting me rant once more.  (Smiley face here if I knew how to do it).


Well all of the festivities should be over but not at my house.  Due to kids with various work schedules and other activities we still have three more family dinners this week, and guess who gets to cook them.  Oh well there is not travelling involved and we get to see almost everyone eventually.

The snow continues to fall.  Not lots just snow.  Not too  much yesterday but we are expecting more today.  It is however COLD!  -8 is the high for today.  -19 when I got up at 7:00 this morning.

I am seeing by the number of hits the site is getting that I had better step up to the plate and update more often.  But with Brian M here for a week that will lower the hits by half I'm sure.

Here's a shout out to the truck driver that Brian met in Brockville or somewhere down there while they were both making deliveries at the same location.  Small world they got chatting about things and realized that the both sledded and ate at the diner regularly.  So if you read this one say hey the next time you stop in.

I'm told that grooming is to start today so I will update on where when I hear more.  I will check with riders in today (and there better be some) to see how trail conditions are.

Well that's it for today.  I have to get ready for work.  I am opening up this morning so the staff can have more time off.  What a great boss I am.

You will see some  new faces around the diner this winter. I have 2 new cooks and two new servers.  Every one is fitting in well and we should have a great season.

Back in a day or two.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's still snowing and hasn't stopped since Thursday.  We have a ton of snow.  If you don't have your driveway plowed you will be walking into your cottage!!!!!

It's looking really pretty up here and if I were more tech savey I would post some pictures to back me up.

No grooming yet but lots of sledders in.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and safe drives for everyone.


Friday, December 21, 2012


Even though we have been snow covered for quite some time it was a welcome sight to get the dumping of snow that we got overnight.  This will be the first time in a couple of years that I will have to have the lot plowed twice in one day.  But today is the day.

Both Mink Lake and  Lake St. Peter are frozen over.  Now I wouldn't be ice fishing just yet but if it continues to stay this cold it won't be long.

The sledders in today said that the trails were great but then they were the first ones on them.  If the snow keeps up like this they will be grooming before we know it.

Not much new or exciting in LSP.  Same on stuff just covered in snow now.  Town is as busy as an August weekend today.  It seems that Christmas sneaks up and surprises everyone not just me.

On a sad note the big white duck (Sherman) that lived in the pond next to the diner is no longer with us.  It seems that a fox or martin slipped in and snatched him up.  Poor Sherman.  I'm sure that most of you were just like me and you looked for him every time you drove or walked by the pond.  He was always there sitting on the log or the dock.  He was kept very busy this summer trying to protect his food from the geese that would visit the pond.  They were always trying to snitch some of it. 

The diner will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but open Boxing Day from noon til 7:00 pm.

Have a Very Merry Christmas.  Safe travels and lots of fun.  Hope we see you over the holidays.

I'll be back next week, sooner if they start grooming.


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Well it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here until the rain Sunday hit.  Now it just looks like the end of March.

It is to be mild for most of the week.  So let's all get out there and do the snow dance.  We need snow.  This mild damp weather is painful!!  Come on people shake what your mama gave you.  I can't do this all by myself.

The new Case groomer arrived back in LSP on the weekend.  It was looking good until Lionel went out to start it so that the engine would be warm when they unloaded it from the float.  When he shut the door of the groomer the front window exploded out all over the front of it.  Some assembly required before grooming. 

Don't forget the Santa Claus Parade in Maynooth next weekend.  5:00 pm and lots of activities going on in town all day. 

The new guys have taken over the Arlington Hotel in Maynooth.  They are planning some events including live music on Dec 8  in the evening after the parade.  If you can imagine it will be opened during the day and even on the weekends!! Go figure.  Good luck guys I hope you do well.

They will also be open to sledders for accommodation and drinks.  Limited food for now but gas just accross the road and lots of parking for trucks and trailers.

I am going away next Friday for one week so no updates even if it does snow.

That's it for now.
Get that shopping done.