Friday, December 30, 2011

Finally, it's starting to look a lot like snowmobiling season.

The groomer went to Bancroft and Whitney yesterday. Not grooming but just packing and dragging in from the sides. I guess when the temperature drops to -26 you can do those sort of things. At least the sun has been shining and the world looks like a much nicer place to be.

We had a little more snow last night and more is coming tomorrow. So things are looking up.

There have been sledders in every day but they are just out for short rides.

It's a good thing we got the snow because we are planning a New Years Eve toboggan party at the hunt camp and it wouldn't have been much fun sledding on the gravel.

People are invited to build their own sleds out of whatever they want. Now picture this. Doug has a leaky aluminum canoe that he plans on sliding down the hill in. He is having trouble finding someone to go in it with him. Go figure!!! I can't imagine anyone not wanting to give that try. Oh did I mention that one side of the hill has a 20 foot drop? I will give an injury report when I update next. I'm sure there will be a few. If I supply helmets for the crazies is that admitting there may be a liability issue? Maybe I should just let them bring their own helmets and body armour.

I will be back Monday or Tuesday. There is some mild weather coming on Sunday so we will just have to see what happens.

The diner is closing at 3:00 on New Years Eve and opening up late morning New Years Day (assuming none of the staff hurt themselves tobogganing). Have a great New Years Eve.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Well finally it snowed. We got about six inches last night with more coming tomorrow and the day after. Added to what we already had is a pretty good amount. I had to have the lot plowed today and I just sent Norm out to shovel. Well he did volunteer. No maybe it was voluntold. Oh well whatever the shoveling is getting done.

Two sledders rode up from Bancroft on Monday and a family rode in from Lake St. Peter today. I have seen others riding up the rail bed. There is a group at White Pines and they even went out on the lake which was not very smart. There is only a few inches of ice so far.

No word when grooming will start until there is more snow, but I will sharing as soon as I hear something.

That's all the good news there is for now.

Back in a day or two with an update.


Monday, December 26, 2011

A turkey sandwich and pumpkin pie for breakfast. Yum yum yum. What a way to start your day.

Now that most of the festivities are over it's time to get back to business. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. This was a bit of a wierd one for me. For the first time in 35 years I didn't have any of my kids with me Christmas morning. I guess that means they are all grown up (which they are). Now I could have stayed at their houses if I wanted to and we did all get together later in the day.

We did have a white Christmas though. We have about three inches of snow with more coming later in the week. Let's hope that we get enough to start grooming the trails. If all the rain we had in December was snow we would be climbing out of the living room window to get out of the house!!!

Good news for sledders. Spectical Lake Lodge is re-opening. The previous owner Sharon has taken it back and will be open this winter. I don't have any details just that they are up and running again.

Nothing much more to add. I will update in a couple of days with a snow report (I hope).


Wednesday, December 21, 2011




I am getting so tired of crappy weather. I have gone from pouty to cranky to depressed and now I'm just downright pissed.

It had better start snowing soon.

That's all I have to say except have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I'll be back when I'm in a better mood which will be shortly after it snows and stays for more than a day.

Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I noticed that it has been two months since my last post. I was scolded twice last week for taking so long. On couple sent someone in to scold me on their behalf. Now that is just it. I will take my scoldings but only in person or over the phone. That means you too Cornishes!!!

I have no idea why this has taken so long. It's not like I've been busy, it is just hard to get motivated. Every time something happens and I think that I should write about it I sit down for a minute until the feeling passes.

So here it is December 14 but outside it looks more like March 14. We have only had one good dump of snow and one small amount preceded by rain. That first storm that didn't amount to much sure made a mess of the trails and roads. There were trees down everywhere. There were a lot without power for a day or two. The snowmobile club has been working fairly steadily clearing the trails so that they are ready just in case mother nature decides to play nice. Kudos to the half dozen or so that have been out three or four days a week with chain saws brushing trails. They have had some heavy work to do.

There was another very successful Santa Claus parade in Maynooth last weekend. Almost 20 floats and a big crowd to watch. Alas, we did not win a prize this year but we sure had fun trying. Our float had homemade palm trees, an active volcano, good music, a tiki bar (of course) and a herd of crazy people riding on it. I would post pictures if I could remember how to do it. I will try to find someone younger than me that knows how to do that kind of stuff.

As most of you know Highcountry Lodge closed this summer. Well now Spectacle Lake Lodge has also closed in the last couple of weeks. It is sad to see this happening so often. As well as losing dining destinations the area has also lost badly needed accommodation. Oh when will this down turn end?

Another sad note, Jim Borland passed away in late November. Jim was the older gentleman that did the bear hunt. He was a fixture at the diner coming in two or three times a day for coffee or whatever. He will be missed by a lot of people in the village.

The diner will be closed on Dec 24 & 25 but reopening on Boxing Day about 10:00. We will also be closing New Years Eve at 3:00 and opening Jan 1 at 10:00.

There is now snow expected until early next week. So unless something wonderful happens I won't be back until Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
