Friday, December 30, 2011

Finally, it's starting to look a lot like snowmobiling season.

The groomer went to Bancroft and Whitney yesterday. Not grooming but just packing and dragging in from the sides. I guess when the temperature drops to -26 you can do those sort of things. At least the sun has been shining and the world looks like a much nicer place to be.

We had a little more snow last night and more is coming tomorrow. So things are looking up.

There have been sledders in every day but they are just out for short rides.

It's a good thing we got the snow because we are planning a New Years Eve toboggan party at the hunt camp and it wouldn't have been much fun sledding on the gravel.

People are invited to build their own sleds out of whatever they want. Now picture this. Doug has a leaky aluminum canoe that he plans on sliding down the hill in. He is having trouble finding someone to go in it with him. Go figure!!! I can't imagine anyone not wanting to give that try. Oh did I mention that one side of the hill has a 20 foot drop? I will give an injury report when I update next. I'm sure there will be a few. If I supply helmets for the crazies is that admitting there may be a liability issue? Maybe I should just let them bring their own helmets and body armour.

I will be back Monday or Tuesday. There is some mild weather coming on Sunday so we will just have to see what happens.

The diner is closing at 3:00 on New Years Eve and opening up late morning New Years Day (assuming none of the staff hurt themselves tobogganing). Have a great New Years Eve.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Well finally it snowed. We got about six inches last night with more coming tomorrow and the day after. Added to what we already had is a pretty good amount. I had to have the lot plowed today and I just sent Norm out to shovel. Well he did volunteer. No maybe it was voluntold. Oh well whatever the shoveling is getting done.

Two sledders rode up from Bancroft on Monday and a family rode in from Lake St. Peter today. I have seen others riding up the rail bed. There is a group at White Pines and they even went out on the lake which was not very smart. There is only a few inches of ice so far.

No word when grooming will start until there is more snow, but I will sharing as soon as I hear something.

That's all the good news there is for now.

Back in a day or two with an update.


Monday, December 26, 2011

A turkey sandwich and pumpkin pie for breakfast. Yum yum yum. What a way to start your day.

Now that most of the festivities are over it's time to get back to business. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. This was a bit of a wierd one for me. For the first time in 35 years I didn't have any of my kids with me Christmas morning. I guess that means they are all grown up (which they are). Now I could have stayed at their houses if I wanted to and we did all get together later in the day.

We did have a white Christmas though. We have about three inches of snow with more coming later in the week. Let's hope that we get enough to start grooming the trails. If all the rain we had in December was snow we would be climbing out of the living room window to get out of the house!!!

Good news for sledders. Spectical Lake Lodge is re-opening. The previous owner Sharon has taken it back and will be open this winter. I don't have any details just that they are up and running again.

Nothing much more to add. I will update in a couple of days with a snow report (I hope).


Wednesday, December 21, 2011




I am getting so tired of crappy weather. I have gone from pouty to cranky to depressed and now I'm just downright pissed.

It had better start snowing soon.

That's all I have to say except have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I'll be back when I'm in a better mood which will be shortly after it snows and stays for more than a day.

Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I noticed that it has been two months since my last post. I was scolded twice last week for taking so long. On couple sent someone in to scold me on their behalf. Now that is just it. I will take my scoldings but only in person or over the phone. That means you too Cornishes!!!

I have no idea why this has taken so long. It's not like I've been busy, it is just hard to get motivated. Every time something happens and I think that I should write about it I sit down for a minute until the feeling passes.

So here it is December 14 but outside it looks more like March 14. We have only had one good dump of snow and one small amount preceded by rain. That first storm that didn't amount to much sure made a mess of the trails and roads. There were trees down everywhere. There were a lot without power for a day or two. The snowmobile club has been working fairly steadily clearing the trails so that they are ready just in case mother nature decides to play nice. Kudos to the half dozen or so that have been out three or four days a week with chain saws brushing trails. They have had some heavy work to do.

There was another very successful Santa Claus parade in Maynooth last weekend. Almost 20 floats and a big crowd to watch. Alas, we did not win a prize this year but we sure had fun trying. Our float had homemade palm trees, an active volcano, good music, a tiki bar (of course) and a herd of crazy people riding on it. I would post pictures if I could remember how to do it. I will try to find someone younger than me that knows how to do that kind of stuff.

As most of you know Highcountry Lodge closed this summer. Well now Spectacle Lake Lodge has also closed in the last couple of weeks. It is sad to see this happening so often. As well as losing dining destinations the area has also lost badly needed accommodation. Oh when will this down turn end?

Another sad note, Jim Borland passed away in late November. Jim was the older gentleman that did the bear hunt. He was a fixture at the diner coming in two or three times a day for coffee or whatever. He will be missed by a lot of people in the village.

The diner will be closed on Dec 24 & 25 but reopening on Boxing Day about 10:00. We will also be closing New Years Eve at 3:00 and opening Jan 1 at 10:00.

There is now snow expected until early next week. So unless something wonderful happens I won't be back until Tuesday or Wednesday next week.


Friday, October 14, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like really late fall. The trees are almost bare except for the yellow leaves. The weather is defiantly getting cooler.

You couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend than Thanksgiving. Anyone that had a boat was out on the lake for sure for one more ride before taking the boat out.

We had a great weekend at the diner. Lots of turkey and fun. On Sunday night we had the gang from the trailer park over. Four of them have started a group and they agreed to play at the diner. What a hoot. They were pretty good a good time was had by all.

It will be quiet around here for a while. The moose hunt starts this week for guns. A week ago it was open for bow hunters. Then just after that the deer hunt starts for two weeks. Then we just wait for the snow to fall.

It has been a sad time over the last few weeks saying good bye to the cottagers and campers. You always hope that they all come back next year. A number of cottages on Lake St. Peter and Mink Lake sold this summer so there will be many that we will not see again. I guess that is life. People come and go forever.

Snowmobile trail permits have arrived. So if you need one drop by or order online.

Just a note to sledders that need accommodation. The lady that purchased the trailer park has two places for rent this winter. One house by the trailer park that will sleep 10-12 people is available and also a smaller one that will accommodate 6 is also available. The smaller one is also available for long term rental if you want it for a month or two. To book call Amy @ 613-334-0440 or Trudy @ 905-373-8448. Both places are really nice.

Well I am off to Brampton for a girls weekend today. Back for the Maynooth Business Assoc dinner at the diner on Sunday. I am looking forward to a couple of days off.

What's left to say--71 shopping days until Christmas. He he he. It won't be long until I have to put on long pants and shoes. I'm not looking forward to that!! The shoes will be the last that's for sure.

Back in week or so unless something exciting happens.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wow!!!! What a beautiful fall. The colours are the best I have ever seen. I'm sure they are at their peak now. The reds and orange are incredible.

The weather is just as good and it shows by the number of people that are around especially on the weekends.

The local ATV club is having their colour ride this weekend. It would be a great time to be in the bush.

Other than that it is pretty quiet around here. I have had a lot of running to do lately ending with my final trip to Peterborough to have the three miles of packing yanked out of my nose after sinus surgery last week. It won't be pretty folks. I will probably cry like a baby!!! But it should feel good after it is over. I may find out that my feet really do stink!!!

By the way does anyone know where September went. It seems that the kids were just going back to school and now we are talking about Thanksgiving. Time flies even when you aren't having a good time.

That's it for now. I will try to come up with some better stuff next time. But you can't be on your game all the time.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a beautiful weekend. The nice sunny weather is still here. The full moon was great. And there were a lot of people around considering it is the weekend after a long weekend.

I'm sure by now that everyone is back into the old routine of school and work. And the kids are settled for another school year. So--How much did it cost you every time you opened the backpack this week!!!!! If I recall correctly the first few weeks of school are just as expensive as Christmas.

It is nice to see the ATVers back again now that summer is over. The bear hunters have all gone home except for one or two. And I have a warm a fuzzy story about one.

Marty is quite a character. We have a lot of fun with him. Well last night he was on his way back to Mckenzie Lake where he is staying when he ran out of gas. He carries extra fuel with him because the gas gauge in his truck is broken. It was already dark about 8:30. He said that in a short span of five minutes two cars heading in the opposite direction stopped to see if he needed any help. He was so impressed that people would stop so quickly to offer help. Being from New Jersey maybe that doesn't happen too often, well it wouldn't happen in Toronto that quickly either. I guess this really is a nice neighbourhood that we live in.

It is very sad to report that the owner of the Blue Moon Retreat, Pat Hickey passed away suddenly on Friday from a heart attack. I know that a lot of people that follow the blog stay there when sledding and ATVing. I'm sure that he will be missed.

I have decided to have an ATV run next spring at the end of April or beginning of May depending on how quickly the snow goes away. I will put up further information when the time comes closer.

Well that's it for now.
Back again soon. Have a great September


Sunday, September 04, 2011

Another long weekend has hit.  Where has the summer gone.  We will all be a year older before we know it and the snow will be flying soon.

Here are my signs that fall is just around the corner.

1)  The bear hunters have arrived and are wandering in and out all day just like the kids did when they were bored.  They are a nice bunch of people and we all enjoy them. 

2)  That nice family from London that have a cottage on Mink Lake that come in for breakfast all the time have packed up and gone home early again this year because of commitments at home.  :(  Go Michigan.  Did you get rained out?

3)  The cats have started training for their favorite sport;  unrolling the toilet paper.  An activity that usually only takes place in the winter when they are in the house more often and get bored.  Well it was a change from the critters that have been left on the back step.

My daughter went out hunting this year and got her first bear on the first day of the humt which was a good thing because her attention span is as short as her mother's and she was only going out one time.  Her husband has still not got his but he has been helping out Jim B with his group of hunters this year and is enjoying himself anyway.

It looks like Maynooth Madness was a success again this year.  It is a great day with a lot of participation from such a small town.

Blogger has changed it's format fixing something that wasn't broken so I will see if this works when I publish.  Why oh why do you have to keep meddling with things.  It's bad enought that I am breaking in a new computer and operating system.  Thsi old dog is getting tired of having to learn new tricks.

Well that's it for now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The long weekend is long gone :( and you can tell that August is sailing by. The nights are getting cooler, the bugs are almost gone and it is starting to get dark a little earlier. Summer must be drawing to a close I have already received two Sears Fall Sale catalogs. That isn't as annoying as receiving the big fall catalog at the end of June!! That was just depressing.

What a beautiful summer so far. Even the last couple of rainy days have been welcomed. Maybe not so much today. It is coming down pretty hard right now.

A strang thing happened on Monday of the long weekend. There was a fire call for a bush fire on the Madawaska Rd. The trucks went out, eventually nine of them driving all over the country side looking for the fire. However there was no fire. The wind had shifted and the forest fires way up north had sent the smoke and smog down this way. There were a number of people having difficulty breathing etc. When Pat B arrived home from the weekend away she could smell something burning at her house. She checked all over and nothing was wrong. I was told by a number of people that there was a dull haze over all the lakes for the afternoon.

And that was about all of the excitement for the weekend. I think that it was so hot nobody wanted to move too far or fast.

Not much else to report now. It has been pretty quiet this week. Here's hoping that something exciting happens this weekend.

I have a dinner invite to Jim and Connie's this weekend. So we should be up to some shenanagans there. Funny how she just knew that when I offered to "make" dessert that I would be visiting the farmers market on Saturday. Hmmmm.

Hope to see you soon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's almost the long weekend. Yee Haw!! It looks like the weather will hold out again. Even the rain this week was a welcome relief. It didn't spoil a whole day just little bits here and there. The temperature is not so hot and the grass is looking a little green now.

Lots of people traveling around. The highway is really busy as are the stores in town but the lakes are pretty quiet. The lake is so warm, the swimming is great.

There was a theft at the trailer park this week. Amy was telling me yesterday that someone opened up one of the worm containers and stole nine worms. Seriously 9 worms!!! She wondered why there was some dirt and a worm on the bottom of the bait fridge. Upon investigation she noticed the half empty container. CSI will not be called in to check the pockets of the Lake St Peter residents or visitors. I would not like to be doing the load of laundry with that shirt in it. Some people will take anything. She probably would have given the person the whole tub if they has asked her. So don't worry about your beer fridge just keep an eye on your worms.

Now for my touching story. I'm sure some of you are familiar with the Cardiology Clinic and the infamous Dr. Hughes in Peterborough. Well I had to have some tests run and then the follow up visit. So after four trips to Peterborough (some tests taking less than five minutes) my final visit for results was due. Arriving 10 minutes early and checking in I was told that Dr. Pompass Ass was running 40 minutes late. Shocking! So after more than an hours wait I finally got sent in to see the big man on campus. Without even looking up I am told "sit there, I'll be with you in a minute". Then in the next breath he yells "You have perfume on. Get out of here." I didn't have perfume on but non the less I steped out of his very large office and he continued to shout "I said out further-get out. We will figure out how to deal with this later. Out further." I couldn't believe what just happened. I was stunned, so I left his office, went out to the waiting room and said to my daughter is a rather dramatic fashion. I am told that I smell and I must leave the office. I'm not sure how far he wants me to go but I figure the car would be far enough. Let's go home.

So I left Dr. Pompass Ass's office without ever getting the test results and frankly I will croak from a heart attack before I ever step foot back there again. There are lots of really great cardiologists around that treat their patients with kindness and respect. This egomaniac is rude, condescending and ignorant. I have since heard dozens of incidents with him and it makes me feel better to know that I am not alone.

The only thing that I can think of that would have had a scent was the fabric softener that my clothes were rinsed in. So anyone that is that sensitive should live in a bubble and work in a lab away from the public.

There now I feel better. (Big sigh)

We will be having music on Saturday and Sunday evening this weekend. So come on out and join us for dinner or just a drink and some rousing conversation.

I'd better get back to work. I'm making a pot of Broccoli and Cheddar soup and soup waits for no woman.

Hope to see you on the weekend.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wow! I can't believe how long it has been since my last posting. The summer is flying by.

After a long old winter with no spring man are we in the thick of it now. The first two weeks on July were really busy. Almost like everyone just got tired of staying home. But with the rain every day and the bugs so bad it's no wonder.

Now this heat is perfect. I'm not sure just what for but I still love it. The black flies are all but gone. The mosquitoes are bad some day and not others. Who knows why I just enjoy the days they are not bad.

Now on to fun and frolics. A large group of us had the best day last Saturday. We got on anything that would float and some were quite unique (pictures to follow when my daughter shows up) and floated down the Papineau Creak. Now this activity is highly recommended if you want a really good day outside. Some stopped at Baragar's Road. Others quit at the house on the highway that you can see the creek from but six dough heads went all the way to Ryan's Bridge on highway 127. We didn't finish until 7:00. It was a great day. Two punctured floats (Duct tape for repairs) and one tip over. No injuries or mishaps at all and Brian and Jim were with us. And the best part was when the deer came out of the bush and crossed the creek right in front of us. Scared the heck out of Val who was squating in the bush-he he he.

Here is a question that makes me shake my head. I know that some higher end resturants close during the afternoon to prepare for dinner. But when you walk into a place with a bright red and blue open sign on and people sitting at a table eating, why would you ask "Are you open". My sarcasim gets the better of me every time and I reply "You got in didn't you". Now I know I should be more patient but it just hurts sometimes to think that these people are out driving around.

Well that's it for now. It has been quite this week compared to the previous two. I'm hoping this hot weather makes everyone want to head up north.

See you soon.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer may have started last Tuesday at 1:15 pm but for me summer started about 10:00 the Monday night before when I took the dog out for a tour around the back yard and saw my first fire fly of the summer. What a neat sight. The next night there were dozens out.

I only know about Tuesday night because we were awakened by the blood curling screech of the big cat that has been prowling around. The general consensuses is that it is a links or a bob-cat.
That would also explain why there are no more wild turkeys around this spring. I was told that a turkey would be a good snack for one of those critters. I'm sure the hunters would have cleaned up some of them but not all.

Another half-assed rainy weekend that ended beautifully just when everyone had to go home has passed. Let's hope for better days ahead for the long weekend. This year being a true long Canada Day weekend should be busy all round.

Not much excitement around the village last week, so there is not much to report.

I have purchased some new products. A natural insect repellant, sunburn and bite relief and a stop itch and sting poultice. All of the products can be used by children and pets. The bug repellant is good for all types of flies including deer & horse flies. So if the little buggers are driving you crazy you know where to go for relief and I don't mean to the beer fridge!!!

Sorry that I don't have anything more exciting to report, no touching stories or bone head plays. Maybe there is something to be said for some quiet time. I'm not sure what would be said-but there must be something.

Hope to see you all one the long weekend. We are open Friday for your dining pleasure.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like summer. What a great weekend. You couldn't ask for better weather. You could ask that there were less bugs but you can't have everything.

I tried to do a black fly report on the deck last week and I only got through 1/2 a glass of wine before I was driven back into the house. Another day I tried with my tea in the morning. Same deal.

These few hot days and dare I say no rain for two days may have killed a few off.

It's nice to see the cottagers back finally. There seem to be a few more each week. Keep on coming.

I now have a supply of the mosquito patches. ($6.99 for a box of 5). They claim to repel flying insects and the only know side effect is no hangovers. I don't quite understand the logic but who am I to judge. So living life "on the edge" as I do ( hee hee hee) I thought I'd try one last night. At 6:00 it seemed like a good idea to have a bonfire after work so I applied a patch thinking that I would send the little biters far away. Well by the time 10:30 rolled around a fire didn't seem like such a good idea, vegging on the couch having a drink sounded better. So alas no fire, but yipeee no hangover either after a few drinks.

In the I can't believe it worked department. Last week I had to go to Peterborough. On the way down I stopped at the Ultramar for fuel. When I went to lift the lever that releases the gas tank door it was ceased. Pulling up on it felt like I would break it. What's a girl to do. Usually that gas station has a dozen cars and trucks at it. But on Tuesday NOOOOOOO. Just me and the little gal that works there. So I put on my thinking cap went into the store and bought a can on Coke. I poured it over the lever kind of tossing it to the back (note to self remove floor mat first next time), gave it a couple of jiggles and lo and behold the lever was loosened and the little door popped right open. Now if a can of coke can work that quickly on a rusty old lever just imagine what it does to you stomach. No broken car parts, no call to CAA, just a $1.00 can of coke and the cay was saved.

The farmers market in Maynooth continues to be a success again this year. Lots of good home made breads, jams, fresh fruit and veggys and all kinds of other stuff. Stop in when you are up for the weekend It's open from 8 am till 1 pm every Saturday and the community centre parking lot.

Also there was a guy in here last week that sells amplifiers for folks that don't have cell service at the cottage. He has hooked a couple up on Mink Lake where there is no service. So that you can not only have cell service but you could have high speed internet also with the stick thingy. I have his number at the diner if this is of interest to anyone. He claims to be a whiz at all things computer and web related bla, bla, bla. At this point my eyes just started to glaze over and I only saw lips moving, but if it works why not.

Well that's all the news that's fit to print for now. I have had two staff off again this weekend and I'm pooped so I am off to the South Algonquin Cookhouse for dinner tonight. Charlie Foster thinks that we both needed a night off from cooking. So off the four of us will go.

Hope to see you all real soon.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Holy Mackerel! What a storm that was. It didn't last long but it sure did come down. The temperature dropped 13 degrees in fifteen minutes.

The hydro is out all over except for the diner of course. Mink Lake, Lake St. Peter and Boulter Lake have all been out since 2:00 on Wednesday and no guarantee of return until Saturday or Sunday possibly. Now that may change. I'll update if it does. So if you are coming up this weekend bring lots of ice (or buy it at the diner) and gas for the generator.

It's amazing how silly people get when the lights go off. You would think it was the end of the world. Now I must say it is good for business. I did quite a few dinners last night and more breakfasts than normal. But explain this-if your hydro is out and you can't cook why would you phone and order salads and veggy wraps for take out. I would think that you could handle this without power. Oh well!

Now for the good news. Oh wait there isn't any. The black flies are still thick so are the mosquitos and they are now joined by the deer flies. 'Tis the season I guess.

The home and cottage show is on this weekend in Bancroft at the arena. Usually not a bad event.

Here's a shout out to Jim and Connie. Lisa and I and the dogs went for a swim at your place on Tuesday. Well I didn't swim but the dogs did. It was great after such a hot day, thanks a lot.

Well that's it for now.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Here's what northern girls do for fun.

Would you believe she works at the bank???

Pat Bekkers our cook when she is not in her clean white outfit.

Mrs. Butwell let out on the loose. Who was running the hardware store?

Pat again. A good time was had by all.

Friday, May 27, 2011

WOW! I can't believe it's been a month since I last updated. I think of it often and then I sit down until the feeling passes. Before you know it another week has gone by.

Well the snow is finally gone. The beavers have every creek and puddle dammed up keeping the lakes high. The black flies are looking for more tourists and the mosquitoes are the size of a Partridge. So all is still the same and spring will arrive any day soon.

Let's see now what has happened in the last month. The girls from the diner and a few others went on an overnight ATV trip to Barry's Bay. We had a great time. One mechanical breakdown and one personal break down. But all ended well and a good time was had by all. Pat B is nearly healed and only took one day off work. What a trouper.

Our annual paddle down the creek was cut short this year because of the weather. You would think that by now we would all be used to playing in the rain. None the less we all had a great time and for the first time I did not end up in the water. It's sad when you get soaked through and you didn't even flip your canoe. Others were not so lucky!!!

For the most part it has been pretty quiet around town. It is nice to see some of the braver summer people back. Maybe if it ever stops raining the rest will come out.

There seem to be a number of new places being built this year. More people retiring and moving north. Yea!!

The new Foodland is now open and 24 hours a day for the summer anyway. How nice to have a real grocery store to shop in. It is such a treat. Bakery, deli and fresh produce just like you have in the city. Not the stuff left on the truck at the end of the day. You can even buy some of those products that are hard to pronounce and you wouldn't know what to do with them if you got them home anyway. Oh what a sheltered life I lead.

I am not able to start the black fly report from the deck yet for two reasons: 1) The Black Flies are too bad, 2) IT NEVER STOPS RAINING!!! I am however still in training in the wine department so when the time is right I will be able to step up to the plate. I'm just not sure where to put the patio furniture this year. Since last summer we have acquired a Labrador Retriever that is now almost two years old. I'm sure he will be as good at getting tangled in the furniture on the deck as he is clearing the glasses off the coffee table.

The biggest news so far this year is the sale of the trailer park on Lake St. Peter. Orioles Nest has changed hands after many years of ownership by the Scott family. Many changes are coming so it will be exciting to see what they have planned. Good luck to the new owners. I wish them well.

Well another Friday night is here and Kelly the evening cook is off this weekend so I'm the best you'll get in the kitchen this week. If you are up take your chances and drop in for a meal.

Hope to see you soon.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I can't believe how fast this week is going. Well I guess is isn't going as quickly as I thought. I was in town first thing this morning for my 9:15 appointment that isn't until Friday!!! Oh well between the storms it was a nice day for a drive.

Speaking of storms construction on the ARK will start on Saturday the only nice day we will have any time soon. You get one nice day and pay for it for three. This time around there will be no Black Flies or Mosquitoes invited for the ride!!!

Reports in yesterday and this morning say that the ice is now almost off Lake St. Peter and Mink Lake. Some is just blowing around onto the shoreline. Other than where the plow left banks all the snow is pretty well gone. Just some spots that the sun doesn't hit for long.

The creeks are quite high and there is a lot of standing water in the ditches etc. A great breeding ground for the pesky mosquitoes that are already starting to show up. Not biting just flying around.

All and all it is starting to look like spring time. The grass has turned green overnight and my chive plant that had one sprout yesterday is nearly in full growth today.

High Country Lodge is having their ATV run this weekend. And the local ATV club will be having their first fun ride Saturday May 7th and a trail brushing/clean up on Saturday, May 14. Both events start at the Bekkers on Boulter Lake Rd. and end with a BBQ back there also.

Things are still pretty quiet. Not much to report just yet. It was nice to see some of the cottagers and summer people up on Easter Weekend. Keep on coming.

That's it for now.
Back soon.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When will the madness end??? One nice day is rewarded with three inches of freezing rain, snow, ice pellets and other assorted crap falling from the sky. ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Let's bring on spring or if not- just jump right into summer.

I saw a few robins this morning with their little suitcases packed heading back down south until things get back to normal.

The ice is still on the lakes with not much sign of leaving. This is very late for the ice to be so thick.

We were just lucky enough to be a few hours ahead of the storms hitting North and South Carolina on Saturday and Sunday only to arrive home to a white out snow storm between Maynooth and Lake St. Peter. Had a great trip. Had my purse stolen and then returned a few hours later a little lighter by with the ID still inside. I hope when I grow up I can take care of my stuff better.

It's pretty quiet around town this week. Not much happening. Not even any ATV's out yet. If you are coming up for the first time this weekend you will notice that the Price Chopper in Bancroft has closed down. It is being renovated and turned into a Food Land opening in the next week or two. It has been closed since the first of March. At last we will have a real grocery store in town.

Well not much else to report. I hope the Easter Bunny is good to all even if he has to borrow Santa' s sleigh and the eight tiny Reindeer.

The diner will be open Good Friday and Easter Sunday with music on Saturday evening just in case you don't feel like cooking.

I look forward to seeing the summer people soon. Think sunshine and rainbows!


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Seriously-Will winter ever end!!!!

Just when it looks like it might be a nice day it snows again. At least when in rains it might wash the snow away. But noooooooo. It has to snow after it rains just because it can.

There is still lot of snow in the bush so if you haven't had the driveway plowed at the cottage you won't be driving in this weekend. More and more grass is starting to show and I even have some daffodils trying to poke out of the ground. At this rate they will be blooming in July. A number of people have seen robins but most of them have ear muffs and rubber boots on.

This time last year the ice had been off the lake for a week but it hasn't even melted near the shoreline yet. That means chilly swimming in June!

It is so quiet right now I think that there must be a gate up in Bancroft not letting anyone past.

South Shore Cottages the rental cottages on the South Rd on Lake St. Peter just sold this month. They hope to be up and running by May. This is a good thing. They have 5 or 6 rental cottages and may be putting in trailer sites later this year. When I get a number I will post it. It would be a great place to stay if you are ATVing.

The inmates will be running the asylum next week. I am taking a week off. So no new posts until at least a week Tuesday. Let me say that the snow had all better be gone when I get back or I will be very cranky!!!

Have a great week. Enjoy these nice long days especially the sunny ones. It is great to get home and still have some daylight left.

Back soon.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It was a pretty quiet week around the old diner last week. Not much shaking around town.

We still have way too much snow for my liking. On Saturday our first customers came from Harcourt by ATV and the next group through the door came by snowmobiles. It's that time of year again.

There have been many beautiful sunny days but it is darn cold. If it doesn't warm up this snow will be here until May or June!!!! I think that I am even looking forward to the black flies (easy to say now) and not just to get the wine on the deck black fly report started. But at least that means summer is not too far away.

I will not be doing an ATV run this spring but the one at High Country will be the third Saturday in April.

Not much else to gab about today so I will be back later next week. Brian M is finally back from working away for a couple of months. Maybe he and Jim will do something entertaining that will give me a chuckle. They have started a DYI project at Jim's cottage, that should be interesting.

Have a great week.

Friday, March 18, 2011

What a difference 12 hours makes. When I went over to the house last night about 6 pm the parking lot was covered in snow and ice the trail was good and there was three inches of water on the path from the garage to the house. But with the mild temperatures, a night of rain and a warm wind it is almost gone. The water has all but dried up.

I just talked to Russ that had ridden down from Mckenzie Lake and he said that the rail bed was good and there is still a lot of snow in the bush and the back yard behind be. I know this because I cut through it to take the dog for a walks and I am knee deep in snow trying to get to Boulter Lake Rd.

The stakes have been removed from both Baptiste and Lake St. Peter and Mink is open in the usual places. So any long rides may not be a good choice but if you just want to bomb around your property or through the bush it should be no problem.

Now if we are not going to get any more snow and the season has to end I hope that the snow just all goes away and we can jump right into spring and get out the ATV's. I hardly used mine last year and I am looking forward to some riding this year.

It looks like it will be a great weekend to get away to the cottage this weekend. Great weather, longer days and relaxing. Hope we see you.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's still looking good. Trails are holding up. A mild afternoon yesterday softened things up but a cold night fixed that.

No rain today, possibly tomorrow. Sunny and cold on the weekend. I'll let you know.

Off to town on an errand.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We have had lots of riders enjoying the spring like conditions. It's nice to go home at night and it is still light out. The trails are in good shape. Groomers were out on Monday night. Riders in this morning say that there are no dirt patches and only the odd rough spots in the usual places.

It was supposed to rain today but so far we have had only snow. It looks like it may snow for awhile. It has been coming down pretty steady for a couple of hours now.

Not too many families around for the March Break. I hope you are all sunning your buns down south, not just hanging out on the couch. The dollar at nearly par makes traveling look pretty inviting.

Other than that nothing new or exciting this week. I will be back if the snow turns to rain and I'll be pissed if no one comes sledding because the weather man called for rain and it snowed again. What a wonderful job. You can go to work every day, screw up constantly, still get paid at the end of the week and the public still loves you!!!! I think when I grow up I want to be a weatherman.

Back soon

Monday, March 14, 2011

All and all it was a pretty good sledding weekend. We had a fair amount of riders in both Saturday and Sunday. Not as many families as I expected being the start of March Break.

So where are we now? The temperature dropped overnight, the groomers were out, the rail bed looks like a table top. It is cold and very sunny today but tomorrow may not be as nice.

There is still a ton of snow in the bush and I know this first had because we walked into the hunt camp again yesterday. We usually go on Sunday afternoons to let the dogs have a run. I'm just saying that it is easier for a 20 lb beagle to run on top of the snow than it is for a hefty old bag to slog through it. I think it is about a1 km hike in and 10 kms out. I ask myself about half way in why we keep doing this. I also don't know why they keep laughing at me when I fall down and look like a turtle on it's back when I try to get up. My daughter starts throwing snow on top of me like you would a whale beached on the shore. She says she doesn't want to see me dry out before I'm rescued!!!

If we get rain any day this week I will update. It looks like the week may be warming up.

That's it for now. I'm on by myself all day because the cook has been on vacation.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday again already. A quick update.

Getting colder, a little skiff of snow last night and this morning. More expected Sunday also.

Riders in this morning came from Harcourt said that the trail is a little bumpy but otherwise conditions are good. There is still lots of snow. They were pleased with their ride.

This time last year the snow was all gone and we had ATV's in. I guess we are lucky to be sledding at all.

Here's hoping you can get out for one more ride.

Back soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The good news is the tsunami did not hit Lake St. Peter, the bad news is the rain did!!!

We have had two days of off and on drizzle. Not a big downpour just steady drizzle. The parking lot is like a skating rink. We still have a crap load of snow so when the rain stops the sledding can continue.

There is to be some snow or rain tomorrow, the powers that be have not decided which way to go. The temperature is dropping already today.

I can't update tonight because of commitments but I will be back tomorrow morning with what happened overnight. The old measuring stick is still standing upright in the snow on the picnic table. I would check the depth of the snow if I didn't think that I would break my beak getting there. I am having the parking lot sanded this morning.

To answer anonymous I can't say how much rain fell other than too much. I will check with Charlie Foster the resident weather watcher for the exact amount.

To Bill from Eagle Lake. Way back before my time the village was called Porterville. Named after the MP or MPP (I can't remember which) at the time. The lake and the train station were always called Lake Saint Peter, so in 1941 it was decided to rename the village to be the same as the lake and station. So just for historical sake I decided to name the diner The Porterville Diner. I does make a good topic for conversation.

Hope things clear up. Back tomorrow

Thursday, March 10, 2011

As promised we got about eight inches of snow yesterday. It is mild today and trying to drizzle rain. It is really damp out. Snow conditions are still great. It was a heavy wet snow so it will be sticky.

Buses were canceled today because of the conditions.

So far so good for today. I will be back tomorrow morning with more info.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Monday and Tuesday were the best riding days this year according to everyone in yesterday.

The trails are groomed up pretty well. The whining has started already because they are not like a paved highway. Think back to a week ago and count your blessings for haven sakes.

Nothing new has happened since Sunday that's why I haven't updated. SO to the guy that was crabbing to Helen on Sunday that I don't update enough (even though I explained my absence) keep in mind that this is a blog not face book. I only update when it snows, rains or something exciting happens. I don't "update my status every time I shower and wash my hair".

We are expecting a fair amount of snow tonight but we will just have to wait and see. Usually the more that is predicted the less it falls. Again my sinus barometer is telling me that something will fall and it wasn't the wine this time.

Here is a shout out to the skidder burger guys that were in yesterday from the Picton area. I hope your ride went well. Thanks for checking out the blog and dropping in. This proves that visual aides work. They came up because of the pictures that were posted. Now I am going go have to figure out how to do this myself!!!

I have noticed on the sitemeter that most visits are between 8 am and 10 am. This wouldn't mean that you are checking us out on company time would it????? Well frankly I don't care where and when you check it out just keep on checking!!

Back tomorrow with the snowfall report.


Sunday, March 06, 2011

Wow! What a weekend we are having weather wise. Probably the biggest snowfall so far this winter. And the rains down south scared everyone away.

We have had about 12 inches of snow this weekend with a couple of hours of rain in between.

Below are some pics from today to show how much snow we have had. It looks like I am really smart and know how to do all this neat computer stuff. Actually my daughter came for breakfast and did it for me. Thanks Lisa.

We had our two youngest sledders in this weekend. Connor and Noah were on their first boys weekend with their dads. The toddlers captured the hearts of everyone in the diner, guests and staff alike. A good time was had by all and it looks good on Hoppy who wimped out on a great sledding weekend because he thought it was going to rain. Next time put your big boy panties on, load up your sled and join the group. Don't be shown up by two toddlers!!!!!

Shelia, thanks for the great comments. Sorry I missed you last week. You had just left when I got back from town. I hope you get one more ride this winter and get to stop in.

I used the trusty yard stick to measure the snow on the picnic table this morning. It was a big reach when you are built close to the ground. It is showing 12 inches deep but the snow is really heavy so more may have fallen. The banks are getting high like they should be and the road crossings are looking much better.

Let's hope this says around for a while. Here's hoping you can get up for some mid week riding while the trails a quiet and in great shape.

That's it for today, back in a day or two.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Just a quick update before the weekend.

It was minus 29 at 5:15 this morning and it was still minus 29 when I came to work at 6:30. Needless to say the trail conditions are remaining the same.

I didn't see the groomer go by yesterday but all riders in said that the trails are in great shape with the new snow. The lake crossings are all good. We had a bit more snow on Wednesday morning other than that it has been sunny and cold. Great sledding weather.

It's nice to see the days getting longer and the snowbanks getting higher.

We seemed to have dodged a bullet in the OPP department also. I haven't seen or heard of any in the area since the dreaded Madawaska Cup weekend. I guess they have rocks in other parts of the province to crawl out from under.

Nothing more to say about conditions. This will be my last post until at least Sunday. My younger sister, being the slow learner that she is, is getting married again on Friday night. So I will be leaving the hustle and bustle of LSP to join in the festivities with my brothers and other sister. Yee Haw she says with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

I hope you can make it up on the weekend for some great riding.
Back Sunday-or maybe Monday.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I love those cold sunny days after a snowfall.

The temperature was minus 22 this morning when I got up at 6:00 but was up to a balmy minus 17 when I left the house at 8:30 so I don't think anything will be melting any time soon.

The groomer went north to Whitney and south to I don't know where (probably Bancroft) on Monday night. It went south again this morning about 8:00 somewhere else!!!

So it looks like we are back in business again.

That's all the good news I have for today. There is no point in blathering on.

Keep snowy thoughts

Monday, February 28, 2011

YIPPE SKIPPY!!! It's finally snowing.

We got snow on Saturday night and again Sunday night and it hasn't stopped yet. It is coming down pretty heavy and is showing no signs of stopping. So far there is about six inches. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!

All thing considered we had a very good weekend. Riders in were saying that things in the bush were still good so this should make things really good.

No news when grooming will resume. I'll let you know as soon as I find out.

Wayne M (they had just had a successful Matawa run, Jim didn't break down once) commented that when we have three feet of snow and the groomers are out grooming every day and night everyone whines and moans about how poor the trails are. But when it hasn't snowed for two weeks and the groomer hasn't been out at all everyone is telling you how great the conditions are and no one is whining. Go figure-the better things are the more we whine!!!

Well that's it for now. I will be diligent this week and keep you informed.

Have a great week.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nobody said life was fair but seriously is it fair that all the snow hits down south and none falls up here where we welcome it?

Nothing fell again last night and there are more empty promises of snow tonight. Who knows?

We have had lots of riders in this week. A few groups rode in from Wilberforce and Gooderham. Everyone in this week said that the bush riding is good but the rail line is sketchy in places. The lakes are well frozen but icy because of the lack of snow after the melt down.

I don't want to discourage anyone from coming up but I really don't want to say that things are great when they are not. We are having spring like conditions a little early. The road crossings are getting wider and the side roads are well sanded.

On a lighter note while I was out at snooker last night poor Pat Bekkers had a group of 25 drop in on her while she was here by herself. Yikes!!! They were military that had ridden from Petewawa to Dorset and were on their way back home. They had been delayed for a number of reasons one being fuel. Thankfully for Pat they didn't all eat and two guys took every one's orders and delivered all the meals. They all cleaned up their tables taking their dishes into the kitchen and they even offered to wash up. A nice group. However we did get a look at how money gets wasted. The faithful leader was having a fuel truck sent over from Petewawa to fill up the sleds before calling up to the general store to see if he would open up. Ahh well another chapter in the book. Sometimes it does get interesting around here.

Well now that I have given another definite maybe I'll finish here. I will update tomorrow if we do get snow.

Hope we see you on the weekend.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm glad that I didn't update on Monday. I really didn't speak to anyone about conditions yesterday. Have I been misinformed? Wasn't yesterday Family Day? Holy Cow it sure was quiet around the old diner yesterday. Maybe the gate was up again keeping all tourists out. We had a couple of sledders in but mostly just the local coffee boys.

Today there were two groups in. One had ridden from Gooderham the other from Benor Lake. Both said the conditions although fair were not bad at all. They were quite pleased with the trails. Some spots on the rail bed were not great but for the most part no complaints. The one group said that they had been out riding for the last three days with no troubles.

The poker run last weekend was not too bad. 165 registered down from 300 last year. Sadly I only made a donation my King high didn't go far in the standings. I think I'll stick to euchre!!

Some snow is expected Thursday, Friday and Saturday so things may get better by the weekend. It has been keeping really cold all day even when sunny so nothing is melting.

I'll be back late Thursday to let you know if there is any amount of snow. Here's hoping.


Friday, February 18, 2011

All I can say about conditions is that it is a definite maybe!!!!!

We did get showers off and on Thursday. It looks like they are over now. Very dull and cloudy and getting windy and temp dropping.

The trails are still well snow covered but icy on top. Lakes are slushy but still being traveled (Maybe not today for a while).

Where the parts of the property here have been snow blown for walking paths it is down to bare earth. The parking lot and other plowed parts are still well covered. We are expecting some snow today. Not much just a few cms. but enough to cover the icy patches.

So the news is not great for Saturday but all is not lost for the long term.

The poker run is still a go, and it's a long weekend after all so I guess we will just have to make the best of it.

If anything really exciting happens in the next few hours I'll let you know. If not I hope we see you on the weekend.

The bad thing about a little melt down is the doggy land mines in the backyard show up. So I am off to pooper scoop with my old buddy Norm.

Do the snow dance---I am!!!!!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

So far it's still good news. No rain or showers yet. However my sinus barometer is telling me that something will be falling from the sky soon.

The groomer was out until 3:00 am this morning. It had a big job cleaning up the road crossings. The snowmobile hating township guy that plows the roads up here was up to his old tricks. Known as "Old Puutt Ding" by Jim and Brian. (you know spitting chewing tobacco) This guys house backs right onto the rail bed and he just hates to see anyone having fun there, sleds and ATV's or anything else. He does his best to pile the snow at every road crossing he passes. Once it freezes up it is hard to smooth out. But good for all you guys they succeeded last night.

Three guys were in late last night. They had ridden from Petewawa cutting short a three or four day trip because of the threat of bad weather. One said that it was the best riding in 25 years. Not one kilometer of trail had not been groomed the whole way back.

I won't be back tonight. You know snooker night and all. If nothing changes I may not post tomorrow. If it does rain I will update. It looks now like Saturday will be a great day, sunny and cold and snow Sunday. This will be good for the long weekend.

Back soon

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sorry about the late update. Mondays can be hectic with sales reps, weekend cleanup- blah,blah,blah.

So here were are again freezing our butts off. It snowed Sunday night and Monday. Not lots just a good covering. Enough that the plows were out most of last night.

Riders in yesterday were very pleased with conditions. Good temperature and great conditions.

They have been out grooming every night and nothing has broken down that I know of. The trails will be in great shape for this weekend because of the Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers Poker Run. This is their only annual fund raiser. So if you can come out and support the club please do. Even if you don't ride it is only $10.00 to sign up for a hand and have a chance for lots of prizes.

The weather for the weekend has not actually mentioned the "R" word, just chance of showers. So I choose to ignore the forecast and continue to live in blissful ignorance!!!! It has worked for a number of years so why stop now?

Well I'm off to make some soup for the day. I'd better get it done so that it is ready for lunch.

Hope we see you on the weekend.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I looks like the snowmobiling season has finally hit Lake St. Peter.

The weatherman can come a shovel today's six inches of chance of flurries off my back deck anytime now.

I can't believe that it is Wednesday all ready. The week is going so fast. We have had a lot of sledders in every day for lunch. Two tables today said that today was the best ride in a long time. Most are doing the three or four day trips that are so great this time of year. We have even had some Americans this week which is nice to see. Although I haven't see the fun bunch from Pennsylvania that have a camp in Coe Hill yet. Where are you guys? They are usually here two or three times a year. With all the snow south of the border they are probably snowed in!!!

The groomers are out all the time and I was told by a rider today that the trail on the north end of Lake St. Peter to Madawaska was being groomed today when they came down. YEAAAA!!!

No touching stories or bonehead plays this weekend. Although I am still annoyed with the group of cement heads that thought the groomer should be out all day Saturday so that the trails would be in good shape all day. Some people have no concept of life and should not be let out without a handler. They were miffed because at 4:00 pm on Saturday the trails were in rough shape. You would be proud of me. Instead of being my normal sarcastic self I just walked away-right to the bar for a glass of wine!!!!

Not much else to say. Just good temperatures, cold at night warming in the day, good snow, good grooming and did I mention there is gas in LSP now?

Hope to see you on the weekend.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

What a great day today was. Lots of sun, perfect temperature, lots of snow. It doesn't get any better than today.

The groomer went by but I don't know where to. We are expecting a little snow every day for the next four days. Just like it's been for the last few weeks but with a better base now that we had the big snow fall. Not nearly as much as everybody else got apparently. Please people stop telling me how much more snow you have at home than here!!! I am already cranky this year and it's too early for me to snap.

For anonymous as I said, Dianne and Shamus are back at the store and doing a great job. They have not run out of gas this year and filled up 900 sleds last weekend. Pete thanks for the help.

I was told today that this is "blitz weekend". Lots of OPP and trail patrols out checking for drinking and watching for Pete speeding. So be cautious and drive safely. The only good thing about lots of snow south is even the OPP can't be bothered coming up here if they don't have to leave home. They have not been around this year at all.

The Madawaska Cup races are this weekend in Birds Creek. Free Friday night, $20.00 for Saturday, $25.00 for weekend pass. Not my cup of tea to pay to stand out in the cold and watch sleds drive fast and turn left all day. Maybe I'm missing something because I've never been. Too bad I have to work on Saturday I'll never know.

I hope we have a great weekend feeding lots of sledders with happy smiling faces. I'm sure Sunday will be a short day because of the Super Bowl. GO GREEN BAY!!!!!

See you this weekend

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I seemed to be really busy. I'm not sure just what it was that I did but I seemed busy.

Not many sledders in Monday for the good conditions. Groomers were out Sunday night and Monday afternoon. One groomer broke down trying to groom the trail at the end of Lake St. Peter that goes over to Cross Lake and Madawaska. It will be a while before it is up and around again.

We made some new friends this weekend. Two very nice guys from Ottawa have found the sledding Mecca of Lake St. Peter but not without incident. The GPS is a wonderful thing as long as you don't believe it all the time. I don't remember his name (shocking) but he eats his wings with honey garlic sauce. Anyway he used his GPS to mark the shortest route from Ottawa. Although it marks a lovely drive if it was summer or fall not so nice on a dark and snowy winter night. This route takes you through every burg and hollow along the way. Needless to say that while making good time he still arrived after the diner closed. I reopened to make him wings and fries and set him on his way only to watch him leave in the wrong direction. As we were heading to Maynooth anyway we thought that we would catch up to him and tell him the error of his ways. Well it didn't take long because about 1 km up the road he was in the ditch after trying to turn around. A quick trip back to the house to switch the car for the truck and we had him out of the ditch and back to his original destination of White Pine Cottages. His GPS was telling him to drive 7.5 kms to Williams Lake Rd to turn around. Almost all the way back to Maynooth!!!! Now surely this thing would know that there was a road or driveway some place sooner but alas it did not. We had a good time with them the rest of the weekend lots of laughs and I am really glad you came along. I was in need of some amusement it has been pretty boring around here lately.

Just before ditch boy arrived we had a nice young lady drop in looking for directions to Petewawa. She had used google maps, another wonderful tool for travel or so you would think. It took a whole page in directions to get her from Maynooth to Barry's Bay because it turns her up Hwy 127 through Lake St. Peter, to Hwy 60 and around through Madawaska to get there. It seems that Hwy 62 through Maynooth is a county road for a few kilometers not a Hwy. So as not to send her down and "scary back roads" they direct her about 5o kms and half an hour out of her way. Good instincts though, she was smart enough to know that it didn't feel right so we turned her around and sent her back the shorter way.

Now these devices must be invented by someone very intelligent but sadly lacking in common sense.

Jim and Brian and the boys had a great weekend ride from this area over to Dorset up to Huntsville and back home on Sunday. They said that trails were great and every trail on the way home Sunday had been groomed up to perfection. Nice to hear.

We also had a couple in from Bellville that rode from Madoc I think, up here over to Barry's Bay then Haliburton and back here before heading home on Monday. They too said that they had good trails and a great trip.

Now with all the hysteria about tonight's impending storm it will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Man can City TV ever get excited. They sure like a good crisis.

I'll be back later in the week. If you have all finished shoveling out by then you will be able to leave you houses and life will return to normal.

Diane and Shamus are still doing a great job at the store and there is gas and other stuff all the time this year. Yea!!!


Friday, January 28, 2011

It would seem that the snowmobile season has officially started.

Baptiste Lake and Lake St Peter are staked. So that must mean that things are official

We have even had some sledders in this week. Regulars that say this is the first ride this year. Sad that it has taken this long to get rolling.

The groomers have been out every day and we have had flurries every day also so things are looking much better.

Now if we could just melt the snow south of Hwy 7 it would be great.

Nothing new or exciting to report so I'll get back to work and get ready for a busy weekend. Hope springs eternal!!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It is getting a little warmer if you consider -25 warmer. At least we know that the snow won't melt!

The groomers were out yesterday north and south. Herb was to take "the little red one" back over to Maple Leaf on Monday and groom that trail up the back side of Lake St. Peter but it wouldn't start. I guess it doesn't like -33. Go figure.

More snow is falling today and it should warm up Wednesday.

I wasn't here on Saturday (grandsons 2nd birthday) so I didn't hear any touching stories or bonehead plays. All was quite on the gossip scene. Better luck this week.

Back later in the week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

We are back in business again.

The groomer went to Paradise Point and Dog Bay last night. It went out again this morning but I don't know where. I'm just happy that it went out.

That's all the info I have.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let the whining begin.

No grooming that I know of. More snow tomorrow, not tons, just some.

It's stinking freezing up here and not going to get any warmer!!!!

Sunny and cold this weekend you know the kind that freezes your nose hairs when you take a breath.

Not much else to say about conditions. Riders in this week have not been complaining about conditions. That is a good thing.

I'm being scolded for not updating more often. But when nothing changes there is not much to say. So I may just update and say nothing new to report. That way I don't catch so much flack.

We did have a little incident Tuesday. Two ladies were out riding when ones sled started on fire of course with a full fuel tank. She thought that it was just fog in her helmet until her pants and boot started on fire. All ended well except for the sled and the pants I imagine.

I hope that cute young couple from Bellville got home in time to pick the kids up from school Thursday. They were cutting it a little close.

Well of to snooker tonight. See you on the weekend.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finally snow at last. With yesterdays snow fall on top of what had fallen last week we have decent snow. I had the lot plowed on Sunday and it needs to be done again today.

I haven't heard where the groomers have gone or if they have gone but I will hear tomorrow when Pat the cook comes in. She usually has the info because her husband grooms sometimes.

Last night I had two very nice sledders in for dinner. They had ridden from Norland at Hwy 35 and were on their way to Barry's Bay. They were shocked at how good the trails were all the way over after reading the OFSC web site and finding that all trails were closed still. They had a great ride leaving Norland area at noon and arriving at the diner by 6:00.

I will be back Thursday or Friday (sorry Brian if it's Friday) with more info on grooming and other stuff that is important.

I know lots of you won't have to leave your own neighborhood because there is snow everywhere but here's hoping we see you this weekend.


Monday, January 17, 2011

It certainly was encouraging to see sledders in this weekend. The most common comment is we need more snow.

Well there is more coming Tuesday, Wednesday and then Friday so things should be looking much better this week.

It was a great weekend weather wise not too cold and lots of sun on Sunday. However this morning was YIKES minus 33. It zoomed up to a balmy minus 27 by 9:00. Hardly worth putting a coat on to come to work! There was already lots of ice on the lakes but this will really freeze stuff up. Even some things we don't want frozen.

Rhonda and the gang from across the road had a very inventive way of spending the day when sledding conditions were not the best. They shoveled off a section of the lake, built a fire on the shore, moved the bar down to a snowbank and played a afternoon of boccie ball. I'm not sure but they may be representing Canada in the next winter Olympics, they are that good!!!

The groomer went out last night and did up to Whitney and down to Bancroft. Unfortunately on the return trip from Whitney the groomer blew a tire so some work will be done on it this week.

On an even sadder note Jim M's new sled went home on a trailer this weekend :-( Poor Jim after the last few years of reeeeeeeeelllllly bad luck with his Skidoo he was hoping for better luck with an Arctic Cat, but alas it was not to be. Look on the bright side Jim at least you keep us in touching stories. I hope it's feeling better by next weekend and is able to come out to play again.

That's all the news that fit to print for now. I'll be back later in the week.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

All right now-Who isn't doing the snow dance? It would seem most of you. Don't be afraid of looking stupid. It hasn't bothered me. I do it on a regular basis.

We haven't had much snow this week even though it has tried every day. It sure is cold though. I don't know if the groomers were out yesterday. But most trails that were groomable were done. Some just don't have enough snow.

I had two riders in today. They went from here to Whitney over to Madawaska and back down the back way. No complaints about grooming just lack of snow and rocks that have come through.

We are still to get snow tomorrow but who knows how much.

So the report is not good today and I am not sure about the weekend. If anything happens tomorrow I will update. If you don't hear from me Friday I am drowning my sorrows in a lovely bottle of white wine while I pout. That's it for today-I'm off to snooker.

Lets hope for snow!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well I'm back with an encouraging report. Not all good news just not bad.

The groomers are back out again. Down to Bancroft, Martins Mill and Whitney yesterday. There has not been much new snow. It has been snowing a lot but the snow is fine so it doesn't add up to much.

On a positive note the continuously cold weather has let the lakes freeze up well. I got this info first hand from Brian and Jim. I know they are goofballs but they would not lead me astray in this department. They were out playing on Lake St. Peter on Saturday and Sunday. Mink is also being traveled on. I don't know about Baptiste but if these two are frozen that Baptiste is also.

We are expecting a little snow on Wednesday and more on Saturday and Sunday. At least this week when it isn't snowing the sun was out which makes things look a lot rosier.

I was starting to get a little cranky or is that crankier than usual with all the dull cold days.

On an amusing note I had the cutest phone call last week from a guy checking on snow conditions. I gave him my usual answer if you are not traveling from too far the trip would be worth it, but if you are coming from far away the conditions were not good enough to make a trip

When I asked him how far he was coming from he asked me "have you ever heard of a place called Oshawa?". Well if you know me at all you can just imagine what I would have liked to say. But in my sweetest voice I told him that I had been raised in Ajax. He then went on to say that he wasn't really from Oshawa but a little town east. Had I heard of Newcastle. He was quite surprised to hear that I had even been there. A number of people from the city are condescending or just rude. But bless his heart I think that he was just naive. I'll bet he didn't know that I have call display and recognized him when he phoned back this week!!!! He he he.

Well this is a shout out for everyone to shake what your mama gave you and do the snow dance for here.

Back later in the week with all the good news.


Saturday, January 08, 2011



Friday, January 07, 2011

Sadly I have lied again. I said I'd be back late Thursday and here it is Friday already.

There is some light at the end of the tunnel but we are not there yet. It has snowed a bit everyday. But not enough to call it a snowfall. We have about 3-4 inches of fresh snow. I have seen the odd sled out on the rail bed this week but haven't talked to anyone that was out.

No grooming yet because of the snow or lack of it. We will be getting more today and tomorrow. We will just have to wait and see what the weekend brings. It is to be sunny over the weekend. The good part is the temperature has not gone above zero for quite some time and is not expected to rise any time soon. The lakes are freezing up nicely and more snow would be just the ticket.

Well I'll end now as I am not finished pouting!

Back in a couple of days.
Nancy :-(

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Riders in today said----Oh wait, there were no riders in today.

We had a little snow yesterday and more today. Today was an actual snowfall not just flurries. Heavy one minute light the next. But it came down all day. Now don't go loading up the trailers just yet. We haven't gone that far.

The temperature has dropped enough that the lakes are now frozen over again. The next few days is to bring more snow after tomorrow and the temp is not going above zero so things should be looking up by the weekend.

It's pretty quiet this week not touching stories just one bone head play by yours truly. After making a lovely pot of Cream of Potato Soup I left the kitchen thinking that I had turned the stove off. Alas I was mistaken. About half an hour later when the funny smell started I wondered what that was. I had a well charred stainless steel pot holding a pot of brown cream of potato soup. Needless to say the soup for today is now beef barley.

I will be back Thursday late in the day to let you know how things are going.

So long for now.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

Let's hope that 2011 brings good things for everyone.

Now that all of the festivities are over it's time to get back to business.

The rain on New Years Eve didn't stop our outdoor activities but it did knock the crap out of the snow.

Since when does a chance of showers become 24 hour downpour!!!

I haven't seen any trails in a few days but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they are trashed.

Thankfully today the temperature has dropped and light snow is falling off and on. There is snow if the forecast for the next 6 out of 7 days and the temp is not to come above zero either.

This should improve conditions. I will update in a couple of days to let you know how much has fallen.

Here's a shout out to Brad from Picton. Sorry that there were no butter tarts or rice pudding the last time you were here. Hope you guys get up again when things are looking better.

I guess that's about all to report for now. Better days are ahead.
