Thursday, July 22, 2010

We're having a real old fashion summer weather wise. It has been great all month. It mostly rains at night just like it should in my rule book. Even when it rains during the day it's not bad. There is nothing wrong with 20 minutes of rain and 12 hours of sun and heat. I'm sure pregnant woman everywhere are disagreeing with me but that too will change.

There are lots of people around. Trucks with trailers and boats are passing by constantly. The parks are full or nearly full. There have been a few ATVer's out this last week or so. But the water is so warm and the beach is so nice I can understand why riding may not be the first choice for an activity.

I has to go to Oshawa for a day to babysit my two grandsons. I arrived home unscathed and both boys survived an overnight with Gramma with only a few minor incidents and lots of spoiling.

Not too many bone head plays lately and no touching stories this week. Most were done by me and I am not sharing with the class. I still want you to think that Bullwinkle the cat is the village idiot, not me.

However one small story I can't resist. My son-in-law loaned me his trail camera so that I could mount it to a tree and take pictures of the deer feeding in the yard behind the diner. So, as I am technically challenged I passed the camera over to Martin to fiddle with it and see how it worked. Not being much better than me after a day or two we finally got it sorted out. Well we were having some cloudy periods with a thunder storm and I couldn't figure out why there were so many flashes of light and mostly behind me. After a day I realized that the camera was in the on position and every time I reached over it, it was activated and would flash a picture every 60 seconds. I now have about 40 pictures of the ceiling and the camera is still not mounted on a tree. I'm sure they will be good quality pictures when I figure out how to get them out of the camera!!! That is the only down side to your children growing up and moving away. There is no one to reprogram and run all this technical junk that we "have to have".

I thought that I was going to have to replace a speaker because after a storm a week or two ago it was all static and could not be used. But lo and behold after a thunder storm and lightning (not the trail cam) this week the speaker is now working better than ever. Now that is my kind of electronic device. Self repairing. You've gotta love it!!

I have decided for a number of reasons to cancel the September ATV ride.

The general store continues to be a hub of activity and is now open until 8:00 pm every day but Sunday. They even have gas and cigarettes. That is making lots of people happy. They increase their stock weekly and it is looking good in there now.

The paving is starting soon on Hwy 62 so the road will be good again for a few years. The wild turkeys are still roaming around with the baby chicks and the deer and the antelope play. Life in Lake St. Peter is good.

Well that's all the news that's fit to print. Hope to see you soon.


Monday, July 12, 2010

July is turning out to be not a bad month. Good weather for the most part. Yes I do consider a heat wave good weather. For the first time in the restaurant business that I can remember it was actually hotter outside than in the kitchen. We had to close the door to keep the heat out. The kitchen door is always open unless it's snowing.

The lake is really warm, the people are happy and smiling, the mosquitoes are happy and smiling. It doesn't get any better than that.

This is old news because it happened a week ago but I have had two firsts last week. The grass was getting very long and I had to suck it up and cut it myself. So my daughter delivered their riding lawn mower, we unloaded it with the help of Kevin A from the trailer park because we couldn't get the truck close enough to the hill and away I went. Well after a bit of trial and error off I went. I was very nervous at first but I figured I've been riding sleds and ATV's for years how scary can this be. As it turns out once you get the hang of it not scary at all. However those indestructible dog bones-ha I think not, and who knew orange snow fence could fly so far. So after all was said and done I rode my little orange tractor around the fence to Marty's and had a cold one with him. Well that's what he always does when he is finished I just thought that must be part of the job. Turns out I was right. Go figure!!!

My next feat was to make a pot of coffee at home. Now I can throw together a dinner for 50 without breaking into a sweat but ask me to make a pot of coffee in a non-commercial coffee maker and I get the shakes. Well after only two phone calls (one to find out how it turns on) I was able to make a half decent cup of coffee for a guest I had coming over one morning. Now, a second cup was not asked for but I'm sure it had nothing to do with the quality. If I'm lucky it will be another 56 years before I have to do that again. I don't like the pressure.

There haven't been many ATV's out this summer but lots of people that have just found out that the riding is great here.

Diane and Shamus area going a great job since they have taken the store back over. We can call it a convenience store again not an inconvenience store. They even have gas if you can imagine, they are open past 4 o'clock and not closed because of the flu on Sundays.

The music is still going strong on Saturday evenings starting at 6:30. We have a few new people playing this summer. Here's hoping they are good. My screening process is a little slack but we have been pretty lucky so far.

Thanks to Connie and Jim for having me over for cocktails a swim and the boat ride. It was a great time. I hope I was a good girl and can come back again. Thanks also to Brian and Jim for installing the AC in the dining room window.

Now is that soccer finally over? I have seen more soccer in the last few weeks than in my whole life. It was nice to have some fans in to watch the games though. Most of the time they were all cheering for the same team so there were no bar room brawls.

Well I'd better run. There are dinner people in and looking for service.

Back when something more exciting than me cutting the grass happens.
