Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday again.

It looks like another great weekend is coming up.

It has been snowing a little every day with no end in sight for a while. The trails are all groomed and ready for the weekend. With the fresh snow riding is wonderful.

Not too many around this week. But if you got a chance to get out it was great.

The temperature is warmer now not like last weekend when it was sooooo cold. It's warm enough to be comfortable but cool enough so the the sleds will still run fine.

I hope you can get away for a ride this weekend.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow news is good news

It looks like it's snowing everywhere with a vengeance. What a great day here. Mild temperatures, lightly snowing and great trails. It is neat to see the kids in today that had a snow day and also the ones that had finished their exams and got a bonus ride.

The snow today will be a nice addition to what we have and will make grooming even better.

Please remember when you are riding if you stop keep to the right of the trail. Should people still have to be reminded about this!

Steve from Bancroft was riding Saturday and came up over a knoll with six people behind him, and there on the trail were three sleds, three abreast having a great chat like they were the only ones out that day. He had to do some pretty fancy footwork to avoid a collision. When they realised what bone heads they were they took off pretty quickly. Probably a good thing. He was pretty wound up when he arrived at the diner still thinking of what the outcome could have been.

Well Steve I hope that you are going to Mexico with Blair and Rob etc for the wedding and then all will be better when you get back. Have a tequila popper for me.

Hope you get out for a great ride this weekend.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday night and all's well

Kudos to all the brave souls that headed out into the cold this weekend for a ride. It was so sunny it was hard to believe that it was that cold. But it looked like a great day for a ride.

Boy did we go through the soup!

Well I asked for some excitment and I did get it. I had a grandson born a week early this weekend. Baby Jack Capstick came in at 7 lbs 12 oz on Saturday so a quick trip to Oshawa was in order Sunday.

Another nice day today for riding. Bill B rode up to Whitney on freshly groomed trails and only met two sleds on the way back. It was pretty quiet.

Madawaska was also done today, but no info on any other. The snow keeps coming in little amounts keeping the trails and road crossings freshly covered.

It is warming up a little so there will probably be more snow soon. It's nice to see the days getting a little longer.

I'll be back with more news on Wednesday unless something really exciting happens.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Is it Friday already?

I can't believe that it's Friday so soon. It was pretty quiet up here this week. There weren't many people around but I don't know where the week went. What with the water pump at home dying and the washer trying to follow, an electrical problem at the diner it just skipped by.

The trails are in great shape. Riders in today came from Minden, Apsley, Barry's Bay and all the trails were nicely groomed.

The lakes are good but slushy in places. They are being used regularly. We have had a lot of people in this week on over night trips.

They're aren't many people out after 4:00 any more. Mostly daytime riders.

Here's hoping that it doesn't get too cold this weekend because the riding is excellent.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Wednesday and all's well.

What a great day for sledding yesterday. It was sunny, cold and all trails are in great shape.

There were a lot more people around yesterday than Monday taking advantage of the great conditions.

It is snowing today and will be again Thursday and Friday making the trails even better. The road crossings are much better now that there has been some snow almost every day.

Grooming is still being done every day at least on some trails. It should be well groomed for the weekend.

Other than my forgetting it was my turn to open up again this morning things are pretty quiet. There hasn't been any new gossip or exciting happenings for a while. It seems that even the OPP have moved on to parts unknown. It must be because there is more snow down south so they don't have to come this far.

Come on people lets create some excitement this weekend. I need something to write about!!
I hope you can make it up for what should be a great weekend of sledding this weekend.

See you soon

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

It was a great weekend for sledding. The trails are in good shape and the lakes are good.

It's snowing again. But I understand that is happening every where from the sounds of it.

The groomers were out all Sunday night and back out again today. All the trails will be groomed by the end of the day.

Riders in today were thrilled most of them were the first ones on the trail after grooming.

Imagine riding all the way from Chandos Lake and being the first on the trail the whole way. A couple in this morning had that treat as did two ladies from Harcourt Park.

Monday riding is the best.

Lake St. Peter is going to be staked this week. I don't know about Baptiste but they are riding it.

Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers annual Poker Run will be held this year on February 21.

Come out and support the club if you can. It is the only fundraiser they do and its a good day.

That's it for now.

Back Wednesday.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday is here already.

The weather has smartened up. It is now a reasonable temperature outside.

It's snowing a little now that it is warmer. Grooming is still happening every day. The trials are all good as are the lakes. The lakes are not staked yet but it will probably happen next week.

That's all the news thats worth reporting.

Hope we see you this weekend

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hell may have frozen over!!!





If no one comes out to play today or tomorrow I will understand.

It's stinking cold. My water was frozen because the heaters under the house both died at the same time. I was told to stop and pick up a new one. "The biggest one they had" were my instructions. So I did. Unfortunately the one I bought had a plug for 220 volt. Screwed again. So don't send me to the store for boy stuff any more. Go yourself and it will be right the first time.

Here's hoping that it warms up for the weekend. The sun is shining and other than the cold it's a great day here. The groomer went over Martins Mill way yesterday and there was hardly a track on it by noon today.

The lakes will safe for sure now.

Hope you can get out for a ride this weekend.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Tuesday and all's well

Life is good. I finally got my car back after a week. And I didn't even get a bill with it. I'm sure that will arrive today. Life isn't that good!!!

It's snowing again. We had a bit overnight and it started again this morning. It will probably snow for most of the day and again tomorrow.

The trails are in good shape. No word on where they groomed last night and everybody in yesterday was pleased with the conditions.

So there it is. Snow, snow, snow=sledding.

Harry from Port Perry. Your friends were in yesterday and wanted me to tell you that they were having a great time. Sorry you couldn't be here with them. They wanted me to ask if there was a new lady in your life and she wouldn't let you come out to play or if you really did have to work. Do tell.

See you on the weekend.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

What a great weekend. Tons of sledders braved the cold days for a great ride.

The trails were great all around. Even in Paudash I'm told.

The groomers were out last night. The rail bed had not been ridden on when I came to work this morning.

I have been told that they are riding Lake St. Peter, Baptiste, Papineau, and Mink. Now I haven't seen the guys that headed out over Mink yet but I guess no news is good news. It's always a little tricky on Mink Lake.

Snow is expected today and tomorrow then dropping into a deep freeze. Let's hope it warms up for the weekend. I can only make so much soup.

I'm nearly on bended knee hoping to get my car back today or at least this month. Hope springs eternal.

Have a great week. Or if you have days off maybe we'll see you sooner.


Friday, January 09, 2009

Friday Update

Here is the update for the weekend---

All trails are groomed and all trees removed-according to the club pres (So it must be true)

No new snow--We have enough for now.

No new gossip.--Not too many people around.

No new personal crisis.- Except I haven't got my car back yet it needed another part (There's a surprise)

Here's a shout out to "Harry from Port Parry". We haven't seen you yet this year and the girls were asking about you. Get that new Yamaha out and go sledding!!

Have a great weekend and drop in if you are in the neighbourhood.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Are you still shoveling?

It has stopped snowing for a while. It looks like it will start again any time but at least it is giving the plow guys a chance to clean out the driveways.

Being the sport I am I walked into work again today (the car should be ready today). It was a little harder coming down the tracks today because the snow was deeper. But in keeping with my extremely good luck I met the groomer heading north just as I was about to cross the road at the restaurant. He couldn't have come along 15 minutes earlier. OH NO.

The groups that were in yesterday said that the trails were in good shape. One group had come up from south of the Boulter area. The group from Bancroft said that the trail to town had just been groomed and was in great shape.

So that is all that's new in the sledding department. If nothing changes overnight I may not post on Friday. There would be nothing new to add and my witty banter may be getting on your nerves.

Hope we see you this weekend.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

It sounds like 6 cms of snow hit Toronto. BT had to broadcast 1/2 earlier today to show everyone how to get to work. Isn't this a little over reacting?

6 cms of snow isn't enough to make me put my boots on yet.

But snowing it is.

Although the first few days of 2009 were busy they were quite uneventful in a good way. Things did change yesterday. On my way home from Bancroft yesterday my VERY reliable little Toyota Rav 4 quit on the highway. I was just barely made it to Maynooth.

So what does any red blooded Canadian girl do when her car breaks down. Call CAA for a tow back to town, head to the general store in Maynooth, get Carla pick up another friend and head out on a road trip to Barry's Bay for lunch. Getting home home in time for dinner worked out well. Waking up this morning about 7:00 I realized that I open the restaurant one day a week. It is not usually Thursday or Friday, and I didn't do it Monday or Tuesday, soooooo it must be today. When I called the restaurant to see if it was opened I didn't answer the phone. OOPS Thankfully Charlie jumped in his truck and came over to put on coffee for the coffee boys. We usually get here about 6:30 to open for 7:00 but alas not today. Of course, not having my car I then had to get my daily exercise by walking to work. The dog loved it and I have first hand knowledge that the rail bed is in great shape.

I think that I need an attendant or maybe a co-op student. I'm pretty sure that the village called yesterday and they were looking for their idiot! It may have been me.

Well that's my touching story now on to the real stuff.

We have had enough snow over the last two days to cover the trails nicely. It is snowing again today and it looks like we may get a fair dumping. The roads are all plowed but snow covered so this is making the road crossings a lot better than they were over the weekend.

The groomers started out again on Monday and did to Whitney, Madawaska and Martins Mill. I don't know where they went Tuesday but they were out again.

A few have crossed Lake St. Peter and Baptiste Lake I'm hearing both good and bad so by the end of the week I will have more news on that. Neither lake is staked yet so you would have to look for tracks before you make your decision.

It looks like we are getting back to the same point in snow that we were before Christmas.

I will get back again tomorrow with an update after today's activities.


Monday, January 05, 2009

Back to Reality

Well I guess most folks have headed home and back to the real world.

You no sooner left the north country and it started to snow. Just a few inches today but we are to get snow for the next three days.

I was told that a groomer even went out today. Go figure. I don't know where it went but its good to know that they are heading out again.

When I hear more I'll spread the joy.

Not much has changed since last week. It was nice to see the Pensylvania group back again for another sledding season. Now I know who it was checking the blog from there.

Now I haven't had a good rant for a while so here goes.

All bankers must live in happyland where the sun is a different colour and rainbows shine every day.

My banking person called recently to tell me that I am putting too much cash in the bank. In that case why do I get overdrawn. I should be doing more electronic banking it would seem, VISA, Master Card and debit. She suggested that I offer cash back to all customers. Well if you wanted cash back I'm sure you would ask. Apparently depositing cash is risky. For who I asked, only me if I get hit on the head going to the bank. Your a bank for crying out loud how can cash be risky. The bottom line is that cash is labour intensive and they would rather not have to pay the tellers to deal with it.

She also suggested that I pay more of my suppliers in cash doing payouts from the till. They have probably had the same speech as me so I don't know how that would work.

Well today I took my spittey self to the bank with my cash deposit and wad of money doing a payout from the till to pay my VISA bill in cash. They will dam well count my money one way or the other! I'm sure this will come back to bite me because whenever you deal with a bank the only thing to say is BOHICA!!!!!

B bend
O over
H here
I it
C comes
A again

I feel better now, so I should get back to work. It's not busy today but there is always stuff to do.

Here's hoping that you can make it up on the weekend when the trails should be in great shape. I'll update again Wednesday as I will be out most of Tuesday.


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sorry to take so long

I didn't mean to go three days without posting but it has been so busy around here that I just haven't had time.

The trails are all in good shape according to riders in so far. Most of the trees are off the trails. There have been a few great bunches of sledders that have take three days of their time and just sledded around with chain saws to get the trails cleared.

We had some more snow last night 3-4 inches.

I don't know about grooming yet. When I hear something I'll let you know.

Riders have come from Coe Hill, Madoc, Wilberforce, Haliburton just to name a few. There have been a few that just trailered up for the day.

By the number of sleds in here and just passing by things must be in pretty good shape or there would be more complaning going on.

As soon as I hear something I will post again.